Moving On

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Naruto woke up to see what looked to be a hotel room. Shooting up he winced as a pain shot through his chest causing him to fall back down. Letting out a sigh he rolled over and pushed himself up slowly.

Getting his kimono on very slowly he made his way out of his room. Katana on his side and Wakazashi in his hand. Seeing Jiriaya, Tsunade, Shizune, and Sasuke all sitting together eating breakfast, "Morning guys!"

Sasuke flew out of his seat tackling him into a hug. Pain shot through his side, "Hey Sasuke!" Separating he glared into the Naruto's blue eyes, "You reckless idiot! You jumped in front of a poisoned sword. Shikamaru may be right about troublesome blonds."

Worry and guilt spread across Naruto's face, "I'm sorry Sasuke!" The Uchiha crossed his arms and looked away, "Nope you can't apologize this time."

"I'm so sorry!" Wrapping his arms around Sasuke's waist he began begging for forgiveness. Tsunade chuckled, "I like this Uchiha." .

"They are so adorable." Shizune said while she watched the boys bicker. Jiriaya didn't say anything. Just watched them fondly.

Finally Sasuke relented and kissed Naruto's cheek, "Fine come on." Naruto gave Sasuke a toothy smile as he jumped back up.

"So Pervy Sage when are we heading home?" Jiriaya smiled, "After you eat some food. Plus Tsunade wants to look over your wounds."

"Hai!" Naruto sat down and devoured his food before finishing off Sasuke's as well. Tsunade shook her head, "Take off your shirt brat."

Sliding the top of his kimono off he let her check over everything, "The Kyuubi seems to be aiding in your healing."

"Yeah I usually heal super fast!" Tsunade and Shizune both saw he wasn't kidding. The near fatal wound wasn't more than a small stab wound now, "Well by tomorrow you should be healed."

"Thank you Granny Tsunade." Everyone got packed and began they journey home. Kurama though had watched closely. He believed Naruto was ready so he sent out his specific communication chakra signature to his old Kitsune clan.

Kakashi set up a meeting with his wolves. Looking around he saw his team was curious as to why they were here when there was still so much in the village to do, "I'll try to make this quick."

"Once Tsunade takes over the village as Hokage I am going to be heading back to the Land of Sun with Naruto." The wolves looked silently at the masked samurai, "Unfortunately we have to split the wolves up again. Veit and Nemi you'll be staying here and running the Konoha Defense Division."

"So we shall return home a well?" Uto asked. Kakashi nodded while leaning back, "Yes, it will give you more time with Hikano since the novice team will be going as well."

Keigo smirked, "What about Naruto's boyfriend?" The masked man smiled, "I must talk to Tsunade if she for sure took the position, I want him to come and train with me. With his Mangekyo Sharingan chakra control is going to be vital so he doesn't lose his eyesight."

"We could have him work with Naruto's team. I mean Novice teams normally have four members anyway." Yukon stated getting agreement from the rest of the wolves.

"You sure having a Shinobi working with a samurai team is a good idea?" Nemi asked with her arms crossed. Kakashi rubbed his chin, "Yes I believe so. It will show our people ninja and samurai can work together as well. Konoha trusts us now. It's time for sun to trust the Shinobi now."

Arriving to the main gate Naruto squeezed Sasuke's hand, "I'm so excited to be back! Let's go get ramen to celebrate!"

"If I cut your wrist you'd bleed ramen." Sasuke said with a fond smirk, "Shut up! It's just so good!"

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