Finally a Samurai!

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Sitting in the Shinobi bar, the Wolves caught up on life. Keigo and Nemi discussed Naruto's training and different missions they had been on. Veit sat and talked with Yukon about the wedding she missed. While Uto and Kakashi just commented here and there between conversations.

"It is quite nice to have us all together again." The big samurai spoke fondly. Giving Uto an eye smile, "Yes. I have missed our team. It is great to be back together again."

Yukon wrapped his arm around Kakashi's neck, "You know! Kishima wished he had been able to come. He knows he visits here and there but he was quite worried about you guys."

"Please he is the most stoic guy out there." Veit chuckled as she took another shot of sake. Nemi nodded in agreement.

"Nah he is a giant softy!" Yukon beamed as he sat back down. Kakashi smirked, he had missed these guys a lot.

Breaking him out of his thoughts, "Kakashi my eternal rival!" Letting out a breathe Kakashi looked to see his Shinobi friends approaching.

"Who's the weird guy?" Keigo asked looking between the three ninjas. Pointing at Kurenai and Asuma, "I wouldn't mind being between those two though" throwing a wink at them.

"Hey guys." Kakashi waved, "These are the rest of the Wolves." Pointing to each one as he introduced them, "Uto and Yukon Karmasuti. Yes they are married, and the little one here is Keigo Ishiko. He will be Naruto's captain."

"The one in green guys is Might Gai. Don't let his appearance fool you. He is quite powerful. Asuma Sarutobi, is an amazing Kenjutsu specialist and a powerful wind user. Lastly Kurenai Yūhi, one of the greatest genjustu experts I've ever seen." They all bowed to the Shinobi.

Uto smiled at them, "Well if Kakashi is praising your skills then it must be true."

Yukon looked at them, "Sarutobi, you served as one of Guardian Shinobi Twelve?"

The man gave a faint smile, "Yes but that did not end well." Soon the two groups were all discussing different things. Kurenai and Veit were already good friends after the last two years. Kakashi was pretty happy his two groups of friends seemed to get along.

Leaving with Gai and Keigo. The bushy eyebrowes ninja told Keigo what to expect from the Hokage for there first few missions, "Though it may be different being a team of Samurai. My Genin team have done great! Even managed to do a few C-rank missions."

"Well I'm sure Naruto, Hikano, and Yahikio will do fine. Naruto is already a power house from what I heard. He just needs experience. From my personal experience Yahikio and Hikano are in similar boats." Keigo bragged crossing his arms and getting an eyeroll from Kakashi.

Before the conversation could continue two Anbu appeared in front of them, "Commander Kakashi, you are needed by the Hokage regarding Naruto Uzumaki."

Fear gripped the samurai, "What's wrong?" The Anbu shook her head, "He captured a traitor. Lord Third wants you there for the report."

"Hai. I'll follow you." With that both Kakashi and the two Anbu disappeared. "So Naruto inherited Kakashi's knack for trouble?"

"Yes! His power of youth is so bright!" Gai smiled brightly at the younger samurai.

Two Hours Prior

Naruto was laying in the grass with his team and Sasuke. Everyone but him had fallen asleep. Laying next to him was Sasuke. The emo boy was laying on his side facing the blond. Noting how soft the boys features were while he was sleeping. His scowl was gone, no hint of pain, he actually seemed happy. Naruto felt his face heat up while watching him.

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