Life in the Leaf

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Over the next couple weeks Naruto was set up with different samurai for his sword training. Veit and Nemi did most of it. But he also sparred with a man named Kirito Comisutra. He was nice enough but wasn't as fun. He was very much a nonsense kind of guy than what  Naruto was used to.

For his school he was really attached to his new friends. Sakura was a lot of fun to talk to. Apparently she was the daughter to the head of the civilian council. Who had been a part of the Leaf delegation that went to negotiate with the Daimyo.

Sasuke was quiet but he liked to spar a lot. Kakashi told him about his clan, so he did everything he could to make sure the boy knew he wasn't alone. Though outside of sparring he couldn't get the boy to truly open up to being friends. Naruto was confident he'd make it happen!

Then there was Choji and Shikamaru. Those two were a paired deal. Choji was friendly and kind yet he was so strong. Shikamaru was lazy and relaxed but was beyond smart. Naruto spent quite a few hours at the Nara house now playing shogi with Shikamaru and his dad.

Walking to the academy Naruto stopped by the Haruno house. "Hey Mr. Haruno! I am here to walk Sakura to school." He spoke with a giant smile. "Okay she will be out in a minute." Naruto bowed and thanked the man while he waited.

"Hey Naruto!" Sakura jumped down from the top step, "Hey Sakura! Ready to go?" She smiled and nodded to her blond friend.

As they were in they're way to the academy, Naruto noticed the looks he was getting. It wasn't like before when he was being looked at because he was a samurai. No this was different. They were filled with hate and anger. Sakura noticed it to.

"What's wrong with everyone?" Naruto shrugged trying not to think about it. That was until he heard one villager, "I can't believe Lady Haruno would allow her daughter to be with that demon brat."

Everything hit Naruto. They were talking about the fox, "Oh no." Sakura looked at him concerned, "We need to hurry."

As they were running everyone stepped out of their way except for three Genin. Making a point to stop them, "Hey! Our sensei told us you're the Demon Fox reincarnated."

Naruto looked them over. One girl and two boys, they seemed to be thirteen or fourteen. Giving them a drastic size advantage. Naruto knew he could be them but he really didn't want to fight.

Pushing Sakura back into the crowd,"Please. I really don't want to fight." Naruto showed defiance in their direction. "If we kill you maybe then we can become Chunin."

Before Naruto could say anything, the girl threw kunai at him. Quickly drawing his katana he deflected them in an instant.

Naruto moved towards them. Re-sheathing his katana he went into the boys' attack zones. Sakura felt her heart jump watching the attack. Using the sheath of his katana, blocking the attack from one of the boys. In one fluid movement he hit the other boy in the stomach with the hilt of his sword. As the boy went down Naruto jumped landing on his shoulder making him face plant.

Spinning he used his sheath to hit the other boy in the neck knocking the wind out of him. Drawing his katana again, he aimed it at the girls neck causing her to drop her Kunai in fear.

"Now I'm going to ask you to please not do that again." Naruto could sense two Chunin level ninja walking up to him. "What do you think your doing de-" before he could finish two chains came out of Naruto's back stopping at their neck. "I would stop there. Now I'm going to the academy with my friend."'

Retracting his chains once Anbu showed up, "Uzumaki. What happened.?"

"Sorry Crane. Someone leaked the Kyuubi to the public. These kids attacked me and these Chunin were going to try next. Can you take them all to the Hokage?" He smiled as the Anbu nodded grabbing them and escorting them.

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