Fighting For Sasuke

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Kakashi dodged another shadow warrior slashing through its chest. The compound was under heavy assault. Before long several of them molded together. The five remaining giant creatures began firing massive beams of energy their way.

Construction that they had been working on was destroyed with ease. Kakashi called for a retreat into Konoha. His wolves would stay and fight though. 

Coating himself in lightning Kakashi engaged the first giant. Dodging chakra chains as they flew at the beast. Seeing it's limbs being held in place Kakashi cut up its chest. Keigo didn't let you either, moving as fast as he could slicing it faster than it could regenerate.

Landing the masked ninja looked to see Uto and Nemi destroying another only just barely. Veit moved in to assist them at the end. Kakashi side stepped as one of the remaining three smashed where he had been standing, 'Damn it. We are taking too long.'

Forcing all lightning into his blade he moved. His Raikiri spread across his katana as he obliterated another monster. Jumping he barely dodged the fire ball that destroyed where he had been standing moments prior.

Suddenly realization hit. Veit slid next to him, "Orochimaru is after Sasuke!" Looking at him while the rest of the wolves engaged, "Go we will finish this."

Running as fast as he could he arrived at the training ground. Signs of a battle was evident. The remains of the poor sacrifices to make the shadow warriors laid spewed across the training area, "I need to hurry."

Two hours prior

Naruto smiled at Sasuke, "I can't wait for you to see Toriyoko." Sasuke smiled back until Naruto's expression changed to one of terror. The blond jumped up and drew his weapons. This caused them all to jump up to.

A dozen shadow warriors dropped down. Naruto engaged two immediately. Blocking and dodging the attack. Chakra surrounded his blade as he cut them down.

Seeing Sasuke surrounded he attempted to help. Only a much stronger shadow warrior grabbed him by his kimino and threw him backwards. Tumbling across the training he area he looked up just in time to see Sasuke get stabbed in the leg and arm by bone knives before being knocked out.

Sending his chakra chains out the creature dodged and deflected the attacks. Just as Naruto wanted. Dropping ever so slightly he stabbed his katana up. Through its chest and out it's spine. His wakazashi was not far behind removing the head.

Turning to help his friends first the saw there were only a few left. Moving as fast as he could he helped annihilate the final shadow warriors with ease, "Lower level warriors."

"Troublesome. It was.just a distraction." Shikamaru stated looking around at his friends, "Ino. Go inform the Hokage. We are going after them."

Katsuki grinned, "Finally a good fight." Naruto was anxious, "We need to hurry. They work for Orochimaru."

Everyone nagreed and made their move. Naruto, Yahikio, and Hikano took the lead. Sakura and Choji were behind them for backup. Katsuki and Shikamaru took the rear as they were the best at range.

A massive rock wall appeared making Naruto jumped into the air. Throwing up his arms he blocked a powerful punch that sent him smashing into the ground. Choji expanded his fist and punched the large man sending him smashing into a tree.

"Go I got this one!" Shikamaru looked at his friend and shook his head, "I'll stay with him." Everyone looked at Yahikio who looked ready to kill, "Go."

Naruto eyed Yahikio. Worry was evidently written on his face, "Go save your boyfriend." Nodding he followed his team forward.

Naruto hated this. Something was wrong and he knew it. He could feel the dread eating at him until he sensed something.  Luckily Sakura moved on instinct. Drawing her tanto and cutting the arrow in half.

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