Foxes and Wolves

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Trying to get a grip on his environment. Sasuke looked around the dark room. Test tubes filled with different substances were spread everywhere.

'Damn it what happened?' Pushing himself up he tried to get his bearings. Memories of the attack flooded his memory. Seeing the fear and anger in those beautiful blue eyes burned to the forefront of his mind.

"I wouldn't go too far." Looking towards the door he saw Kabuto and a man who must be Orochimaru. He had short reddish hair, "Like the new look. Unfortunately my body needed to be switched out. Lucky for you huh Sasuke."

"Where is Naruto?!" Sasuke demanded knowing his boy wouldn't leave him to this snake, "I don't know. He managed to kill one of my best men but who knows if he survived or not."

The bone user crossed his mind giving him a sinking feeling in his stomach. Kabuto chuckled, "You should banish that love you hold for the Jinchuriki. It makes you weak."

"Shut up. Naruto makes me strong." Clenching his fist he attempted to stand only to fall from his leg wound, "They have all made me strong."

In a cage near him a small wolf pup listened to the conversation. Walking up to Sasuke Orochimaru grabbed Sasuke by the hair before placing a small seal on him. Pain shot through Sasuke's body, "What did you do?!"

"Oh a small charka seal. Now you won't be able to mold your chakra. And don't try to escape my shadow warriors are everywhere.

Sasuke watched in silence as the two ninja walked back out of the room. Letting out a sigh he slid down to the floor trying not to let himself fall into a depression, "Excuse me Mister?"

Looking around it took Sasuke a minute to realize there was a small wolf in the room with him, "Did you mean that about your pack?"

Tilting his head he couldn't help but smirk at the wolf, "Yeah I did. They are amazing." Sliding across the door to the cage he pulled out a kunai he still had and broke the cage open.

"Thank you!" He yelled before jumping into Sasuke's arms, "Want to hear about them?"

"Yes! That be great!" His tail wagging behind him excitedly, "Well I'm in a team with two other ninja. Sakura Harano and Katsuki Sato. They are really strong to. Sakura is one of the fastest ninja and best Kenjutsu specialist in my class. Katsuki is really strong, he has so much chakra and is really good with ninjutsu."

"What about you?" Sasuke chuckled, "I'm kind of in the middle. We work better together. Our sensei is really powerful to. He uses wood release and is kind of scary. In a good way though."

"They sound super cool!" Sasuke couldn't help but laugh, "Yeah but the best one is my boyfriend."

"Boyfriend?" Sasuke blushed, "My mate. He and his brother are samurai from another country. Naruto is strong, kind, and happy. He does what best for others even if they hate him."

"Wow. That sounds amazing. Where is he?" Sasuke felt tears prick his eyes, "I don't know. He came after me when they took me I hope everyone is okay."

The pup's tail quick waging before he stepped up and licked Sasuke's cheek, "I'm sure he's okay."

"I'm Okami by the way he said as he snuggled into the Uchiha." Sasuke wrapped his own arms around the wolf, "Sasuke Uchiha."

Pain. That's all Naruto could feel right now. Opening his eyes he shot up, "Sasuke I'm coming!" Before he could go anywhere a tail shoved him down, "Sit kit. You should not move."

"Where am I?" Naruto asked the fox looked at him softly. Taking the minute to answer Naruto for a good looke at the fox. She was big, size of a large wolf. She had green eyes and white fur. Her ears and tail both had purple tips and she looked super fluffy.

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