Battle For the Wave

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Team 7 had made good time. On top of that they had each made drastic improvements on their own skills. Once they arrived they went to the meeting spot to meet up with the team from the Hidden cloud.

The building they were waiting at looked to be an old temple. Some sort of religious structure. Looking around he saw a few Uzumaki symbols. The first thought to come to his mind seeing the symbol was Naruto. Not Konoha.

Shaking the blond from his mind he went over to his team. The brown haired boy looked at him, "So who do you think we're waiting on?"

Sasuke shrugged, "Don't know. Hopefully it won't be much longer though."

"You just want to get back to train with Kakashi and Naruto again." Sakura said with a smile. "You know you and I could train more together." Winking at the emo boy who just rolled his eyes. He could even hear Katsuki huff at the pinkette.

Appearing out of nowhere, Yamato looked at his Genin, "They are arriving so be ready."

As they all stood in formation the Cloud team walked in. A Jonin with three Genin. "I don't know why Killer B couldn't come." Sasuke looked at the boy. His dark skin and white hair seemed to compliment eachother well. The two girls with him looked annoyed though.

"Shut up Omoi! We need to be professional!" He looked at the red head and sighed, "Like yelling at me is professional."

"Enough. Samui would you keep your team in line." The Jonin looked done with the Genin. "Yes sorry sensei!"

"How our Jinchuriki deals with you three I'll never know." Straightening he faces Yamato, "We are the delegation sent by the Hidden Cloud."

Yamato bowed followed by his Genin, "We are the delegation sent by the Hidden Leaf. I was under the assumption that Killer B was going to be the one sent to speak with us."

"Tch. You may have thought that but we will not trust the leaf with our Jinchuriki." Yamato looked at the man and nodded. Pulling out a scroll he handed it to the man, "The Hidden Cloud has been invited to this year's Chunin exams."

"Why the sudden invite." Sasuke took the man's appearance in for once. He had Orange hair grey eyes and dark skin. Face tattoos covered his face and he carried a katana on his back just like two of the Genin.

"Lord Hiruzen wants to build a relationship with the Cloud village. An alliance between the two would be quite beneficial." Yamato kept his dry persona but Sasuke could feel the tension between the two Jonin.

"We will bring this to the Raikage. Maybe he will agree." Yamato looked at the Jonin with a grin, "With aid from the Land of Sun any front would be suicidal so I doubt he'd try anything there."

Sasuke looked back and forth as their stare down continued. If anyone else was there they'd have thought a fight would break out. Stepping back Sasuke stayed ready just in case.

"We will send a curior in a few days with our answer. Samui, Karui, Omoi we are leaving." The boy sighed in disappointment. Sasuke could help but chuckle.

"Okay Team 7 we are going to move out." Packing their things Team 7 made headed back towards the Leaf village. Traveling only for a few hours they ran into Team Keigo.

Traveling to the Land of Waves was quite boring for Naruto. After winning their first battle against the Sound Nin, he couldn't help but be shocked they never attempted to attack them on the way out of the Land of Fire.

"NARUTO! YAHIKIO! HIKANO!" Looking over to see Sakura waving at them. Immediately Naruto waved back at the ninja squad. Seeing Sasuke's smirk gave him a weird fluttery feeling in his stomach.

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