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Naruto and Sasuke headed to the hospital like they were told. Walking in they were greeted by Shikamaru and his dad, "Naruto! Sasuke! You're both okay."

"Yeah it was close though." Naruto stated before looking around, "Where is everyone?"

Shikamaru looked down with tears I his eyes, "Hikano is sleeping but is fine for the most part. Sakura had a pretty bad wound on her arm. " he paused for a moment before continuing, "Yahikio and Choji are both in critical condition." 

Naruto felt his breathe hitch. Two of his friends almost died.  If he hadn't forced his friends into such a weak position. Tears pooled in the blond's eyes as the guilt started to set in. Sasuke squeezed  his hand, "It's  not your fault Naruto. You did what you thought you had to." 

Naruto looked into his boyfriends dark eyes and nodded. The pain in his chest not lessening in the slightest. Shikamaru wanted to say something but he felt just as guilty. He was known for his strategy. He could have planned something better. Come up with a way to eliminate the enemy together. Instead he went with the hand he got dealt. Now his best friend is fighting for his life. 

Shikaku sighed,  "Naruto, Sasuke sit down." Both boys obeyed the clan head. He saw the saddened look on each of their faces, "The way of the warrior and Shinobi have many differences. Though the one thing that is the same is the risk of death." 

All three boys stared at him intently, "You were put in an impossible situation. Not only did you survive but you took down more powerful shinobi. I know you may not feel it right now but you have done the Leaf and Sun proud." 

Naruto sighed before leaning back. He knew that technically Shikaku is right. They fought insurmountable odds and won. Even though, they never would have gotten Sasuke without Kashi's interference.  Sasuke bumped his shoulder against Naruto. Looking at Sasuke the raven hair boy smiled, "Thank you guys." Shikamaru looked at the Uchiha, "I thought that Orochimaru had me but you guys never gave up on me." 

Naruto gave him a sun shinning smile, "Of course we would come after you! I won't let that snake ever take my boyfriend and bestfriend!" Shikamaru nodded along, "You think that I'd want to listen to this annoying blond if we failed to get you back. Troublesome." 

Sasuke chuckled as he leaned into the blonde, "Hey! Any of them awake yet?" Looking up they saw Katsuki  walking in. He looked at the lover boys and huffed, "Glad you're okay clan trash." 

"Same arrogant jerk." Sasuke shot back with a smirk. A nurse walked out with Sakura. She was in a hospital gown still. Running past Shikaku she wrapped her good arm around Naruto's neck and pulled him into a hug. 

"I'm so glad you're okay!" Looking past him at the Uchiha, "You get over here to Sasuke." He walked over and joined the hug, "We thought we lost you." Sasuke sighed, "I'm  sorry. I thought I was stronger." 

"Don't be sorry." Sasuke looked at his boyfriend, "I fought him one on  one. He was crazy skilled and powerful. I had to use two tails and still almost lost."  All four of the ninja looked at him. Shikamaru was baffled, Naruto was beyond powerful. To think some random ninja would nearly defeat him was insane. Hopefully they'd be able to get more powerful in Sun.

Kakashi walked in to see the Wolves. Waiting for him. They were all a little battered still but the fight wasn't that tough for the squad. Tsunade looked at Kakashi, relief was written all over her face, "It's good you've returned Kakashi. I need you to take the kids out of the village as soon as Yahikio and Choji awaken." 

"What? You want us to leave so soon?" Tsunade leaned on her hands, "Yes. We have two powerful groups moving to take them. To protect both the boys and the Village we need them to go to Sun country." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01 ⏰

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