Snakes in the Sun

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Kishima looked down at a map with different locations marked. They had confirmed five locations that had signs of Orochimaru the Snake Sanin. If what the old Leaf Shinobi said is true then they could have a disaster on their hands.

Kakashi and his wolves would take on the main base. Others would have three four man squads of samurai engaging with backup from the sealing Corps to take on any summons if needed. Luckily for Kakashi he and Yukon both were skilled in sealing jutsu.

"What are you thinking about Kishima?" Ever since the engagement of Kiri, Kishima had taken on more responsibility. His battalion had become famous. I'm doing so, his standards for success increased as well. Training in multiple styles became necessary for every man and woman. He also pushed to have training teams with specialist teachers. Having Kakashi help him with the execution, being inspired by Shinobi Jonin squads.

His friend looked up at him with a calm aura around him. His hair was long now going to his lower back and was tired. Armor was teal with grey and silver accents. Fur covering his neck. "I am going with your team."

Taken aback, Kakashi looked at the other commanding officers, "Kishima, I don't think that's necessary." Looking up from the map Kakashi could see the seriousness deep in his eyes. "You have the smallest of the teams and there could be a chance of running into Orochimaru himself. Your team is powerful and if you face the Sanin you all may win but your team would be decimated."

"Awe your worried about me! How sweet!" Kakashi gave him an eye smile. Giving him a dead panned expression. "Just get your team ready I'll meet you at the south gate."

"Hai Kishima." Kakashi left to his home. Tenya and the boys were training in the yard when he arrived. Naruto was doing katas with Hiro. Nito was drilling the sequences hard into the boys.

"Come on, they need to be muscle memory. Hiro you're going to be part of an apprentice team so kick it into gear. Naruto if you want to catch up to Kashi you need to improve!"

Nito had officially joined the Sealing Corps. His skill was impressive for a sixteen year old. He was considered a genius when it came to seals and was a highly skilled swordsman. He invented gravity seals and elemental seals now used by the Sun's over all military.

"Hey Naruto!" The blond looked over and saw Kakashi and charged his brother. "Big Brother!" Naruto jumped into Kakashi's arms. "Hey little Samurai. I just wanted to let you know your staying with Tenya for the next few nights okay."

"Okay! You have a super cool mission! Can I know?!" Chuckling Kakashi ruffled the blond's hair. "Sorry but no."

After saying goodbye to Naruto, the white haired samurai put on his armor and headed out. Walking to the exit of the Uzumaki grounds he found Kyoto and the three boys waiting for him, "Nito, Hiro take care of the little gremlins for me okay."

Nito smiled, "You know we will Kashi. Hiro hugged him, "Be careful." Kakashi couldn't help but chuckle, "Hey you know how us wolves are. We are the best team in Sun."

Leaning in front of Naruto, "Keep practicing. Don't give Uncle Tenya a tough time." Wrapping his arms are Kakashi's neck, "I will be good!" Naruto stepped away, "Now go kick butt!"

Finishing his goodbyes Kakashi walked out to the South gate. Seeing his team was already waiting for him, "We are just waiting on Kishima now."

Keigo smiled, "Really?! He's coming! I can't wait!" Nemi smacked the boy in the back of the head, "Would you calm down. If catch you drooling over our commanding officer and Veit I'll kill you!"

"I wasn't going to drool! I really want to fight him! Besides I'm trying to date Kakashi's brother Nito!" Kakashi looked over at his speedster, lightning formed around him, "You touch my brother I'll cut you to bits."

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