Final Test!

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Kakashi decided to meet up with Keigo, Yukon, and Uto. He wasn't to sure how they'd be about the kids taken on some Anbu missions. Samurai treated missions very different from shinobi. Ninja were much more devious in their efforts. Spies and assasins versus the way of the warriors.

In teaching Naruto, he had taught him how to gather info and perform reconnaissance. With samurai it was more of a military effort. Them being suited for war more so than spy work. They would look for any sort of fortifications, military size, and possible assets. That is what made the treaty so tempting for the Sun Daimyo. Ninja villages were able to get their hands on things that samurai just couldn't.

Shikaku had told him that they would be doing more message delivery. Border defense and taking down low level rogue ninja. This would give the few Anbu that were used for these tasks a reprieve. Border security was already mostly taken by the samurai already. Though the fire Daimyo had his own forces, he heavily relied on Konoha for his defense. Kakashi's forces supplemented them well. Cutting off and eliminating any possible enemy forces including bandits and gangs.

"So Shikaku Nara wants our novices to take on low level Anbu missions. Some of these missions they'd be doing anyway. However they are still children. Fighting in open battle is not something I want them to do often."

Looking around at his three friends he could see the contemplation and worry amongst them. Keigo leaned forward, "The ninja have a ranking system on how they should give out missions. I know they could handle these missions but I think they need experience first."

Uto nodded in agreement, "I agree with doing border security. Maybe some escort missions. I don't want our son doing enemy retrieval missions quite yet " Yukon smiled at his husband and grabbed the big man's hand, "I agree with Uto. It's more than we give most novice teams."

The worry of the two Samurai was apparent. He didn't blame them either. Though he and Naruto had been here awhile they just got here. Not to mention they didn't fully trust shinobi. The Land of Sun had played a defensive front in the last Great Shinobi war. Taking in different clans from villages. The Uzumaki being the biggest examples but also taking in some from the Hidden Mist.

"I will tell Shikaku and the Hokage  what kind of missions we want them to take. I would also like them to take some D-ranked missions." Keigo let out a sigh of annoyance, "Really? Chores for Konoha?"

Giving the younger warrior an eye smile, "Of course! It will be good team building and they learn the value of the people!"

"So we will have them do smaller missions. As their captain though, if they show promise I'll up their mission parameters." Keigo gave an unusual seriousness.

"I'll go inform the Hokage. Keigo, you should go to the academy and get the kids." Excitement entered the blue haired warrior. Jumping up Keigo bid them farewell.

"Thank you." Kakashi looked at Uto who seemed happy with his decision. "Hikano is very capable but we can't imagine him purposely going to into battle yet."

Giving the two men a look of support, "I understand but you will need to warm up to the idea eventually."

The red head let out a sigh and rubbed his temples, "We know. It is just hard thinking of our boy fighting. He needs to be prepared just in case Orochimaru wants him back but it's....... terrifying."

"I get that. Naruto just being in this village is hard. But he is strong and so is Hikano and Yahikio." Both men seemed to agree but the worry hadn't left their eyes. "Well, I'll go inform the Hokage and Shikaku."

Katsuki was annoyed. He was placed with the hollier than though Uchiha. If he had to be placed with a clan kid it would be best to be with Hinata or Kiba. Kiba was loud and obnoxious but was a lot of fun. Hinata was just nice, pretty , and strong. Instead he is placed with the  'prodigy.'

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