Life as Normal

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After a few weeks of doing D-ranked missions, Team Keigo was ready for a break. Naruto liked helping with chores but people were not too nice to them due to him being the Jinchuriki. Not that he allowed it to bother him too much.

Over the last couple weeks Hikano had gotten close to Shikamaru and Choji. The Nara was quiet which he enjoyed, while Choji reminded him of his Dad. Much of his time now was spent playing shogi with Shikamaru or Naruto and just sitting with Choji.

Yahikio and Sakura had become fast friends. They both had a fondness for cute boys but they loved training together. Yahiko in spending time with the pink girl would also end up befriending Katsuki. Though he was cute, she could tell he was so into Hinata Hyuuga. Which was fine because she wanted to become friends with her to. Mainly so she could see the Byakugan first hand.

"Hey Naruto! Think we will get a decent mission sometime soon?" Looking back at Yahikio and smiling, "Probably! We aren't ninja! So we may get to jump into regular missions faster!"

Everyone heard Keigo chuckle, "Don't worry my cute little samurai! You'll get tougher missions soon enough. Why don't you guys go see your friends. I'll report to the Hokage."

Leaning together Hikano whispered to Yahikio, "I doubt it. He is enjoying us suffering." Naruto couldn't help but chuckle at that. He was itching for a real mission to. However he thoroughly enjoyed helping the people of the leaf. Even if they don't really appreciate him.

"I'm gunna go see Sasuke. Want to meet at the training ground tonight for some star gazing?" Naruto asked his two friends who both mimicked the boys smile.

The shadow boy smiled, "Yes that sounds wonderful. I am going to go with Shikamaru and Choji. Apparently there is a spot in the Nara's forest where he cloud watches that has an arrangement of different wild flowers!"

"Well I'm going to see if Sakura wants to come tonight. She and I are going to go meet with Kurenai Yūhi. Apparently Hinata told her all about Sakura's chakra control and now she wants to teach her some Genjutsu."

After saying goodbye to his friends, Naruto went to Sasuke's apartment. Having been over so many times he didn't really knock anymore. Walking in he froze for a moment as Sasuke was changing his shirt.

Shaking the daze away, "Hey Sasuke!" The raven haired boy turned and smirked at the Jinchuriki, "Naruto."

"Kashi wants to know if you want to come over and train with me a bit?! We could work on your chakra blade!" Sasuke hummed a yes while grabbing the small blade.

Both boys headed to the samurai compound. Naruto kept glancing at the other boy. He looked so deadly in his gear now. There was also a confidence about him now that hadn't been there before. Not that he wasn't confident but it was more of a entitled bravado.

"So Sasuke, you tired of D-ranked missions yet?" Sasuke put his hands in his pocket and sighed, "Yes. It's annoying. I'm starting to push chakra through my blade along with my arsenal of fire jutsu. Sakura is skilled in Kenjutsu as well. Plus she has better chakra control than anyone I know, and Katsuki has added a third element to his reputare. We are ready for more."

Naruto giggled at the frustrated boy walking next to him, "I feel the same way. My team is already prepared for real missions. We have been trained by the best from the Land of Sun and now we are doing chores. But I love helping people so I'm okay either way!"

Sasuke watched as Naruto seemed to light up the area around them. Feeling his face getting hot he tried to change the subject, "So you ant to spar?"

Naruto nodded, "Yeah! It is gunna be so much fun!" Grabbing Sasuke's arm he took off making the raven haired boy follow.

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