New Alliance When the Sun Meets the Sea

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Blocking the next attack Keigo used his advanced speed to flank the enemy shinobi. If you could call this monster that is. Rock surrounds its fist punching towards him. Only he disappeared and reappeared beside it slashing it's stomach.

Jumping back to avoid a kick he saw Nemi spinning her naginata. Slashing the beast repeatedly all over its body. Keigo saw it inhale. Moving quickly he threw his wazikashi into its throat sending flames out instead of at his teammate. Nemi seeing her opportunity struck again cutting the creature in half.

Pulling his wazikashi out she tossed it to him, "We should go hel- she was saying as a blade stabbed through her chest. Picking her up and tossing her to the side. As Keigo was about to attack again two shadow owls from Hikano whizzed by his head. Red lightning striking out against the abomination.

Taking the opportunity to strike he moved. Barely being stopped by the thing bladed arm. Nemi appeared behind it stabbing it through the back out it's chest. Jumping on its back of the shadow ninja. Stabbing it in the back of the neck. Both samurai jumped back seeing the thing fall to its knees.

Moving as one unit Naruto and his friends caught off dozen of these monsters. Blocking attacks with his wazikashi followed by immediate attacks with his katana. Spinning he sent his chakra chains out stabbing into several shadow ninja.

Two of the enemies moved in to attack to be Naruto only to be torn apart by Hikano's wolves. Naruto's teammates were back to back slashing through the cannon fodder. Naruto though could see the fatigue setting in.

Naruto knew he needed end this fight quickly. His friend didn't have the chakra reserves he had. Reaching inside he pulled on some of the Kyuubi chakra. Red covered his body and spread to his swords. Once his pupils turned to slits they became sharper.

All the enemy ninja stopped and turned to the demonic theat. Before they could react they were being cut down by Naruto. Throwing his wazikashi into the chest of one he appeared next to it cutting another shinobi monster in half.

His friends taking the opportunity advanced on the enemy. Cutting them down instinctively. Kikano spun his naginata precisely cutting through his enemy. Yahikio moved at blinding speed around him killing any he missed.

Landing on the roof of a building, Naruto looked down at the remaining ninja his fox eyes scanning the surviving enemies. Jumping down he engaged the twelve monster. Their arms turned to blades to face him.

Blocking the first attack he brought his katana up stabbing the assailant through the jaw. In one swift move he pulled his weapons out and cut down the next two. Dropping into a defensive stance he felt his claws dig into the hilts of his swords. Naruto couldn't help but smile as the rush of power filled his chest.

The remaining nine took a step back as Hikano and Yahikio landed next to him. Charging in the each took on three. Yahikio used her incredible speed to remove each head from her own enemies. Two wolves attacked one of Hikano's targets as he thrusted his naginata into the chest of the next. Spinning he grabbed cut the final one in two.

Naruto threw both his weapons into the chests of the remaining shinobi. Charging at his final target he ran his hand through it's chest. Greenish-grey blood spewed out as his hand burst through the other side. Removing his hand he let the Kyuubi chakra receed.

"That wasn't to bad but I'm tired." Yahikio said with a smile. Before sitting down. Hikano just smiled, "I am quite exhausted as well."

"I'm good! That was a fun fight!" Naruto responded as he pulled his blades out of his fallen enemy. Something smashed into the ground not far off.

Naruto pulled his katana up ready for a fight. Only for Uto to land. Lifting his konobo and crushing them abomination he was fighting. Making a scowl he lefted his weapon, "How disgusting." Shaking the blood off his weapon.

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