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"Next match will be Shino Aburame against Tenton of the Leaf." Naruto grinned as the bug user appeared in the arena. Tenton jumped out of the stands to meet him.

"Bugs really? You can't possibly think you can win." Tentens's confident grin made Shino huff, "Your idea of strength is misplaced. Power sometimes comes in smaller places."

"Begin!" Kunai flew at the bug user. Swarms flew from Shino's coat blocking the blades. Sending out his insects in different directions, "Your bugs don't even want to fight!"

Summoning duel swords the girl attack Shino. Responding he drew two Kunai and engaged. In close quarters he was.out matched though. The girl was to fast and strong.

Tenten was able to get past the boy's guard and land several cuts across his body. Spinning she kicked him causing the boy to tumble over. Naruto was smiling in the stands though.

"What are you grinning about dobe?" Sasuke asked with a playful grin, "Shino won."

"What? No way!" Yahikio stated confused, "The Aburame are powerful. They are to be feared over any other in my opinion." Naruto stated.

"Why?" Hikano asked curiously. Sasuke was also curious about his boyfriend's opinion, "Well some are just skilled or have the right bugs. Shino though has never actually lost a fight if his bugs are involved. They are smart and bugs are hard to kill."

Shino jumped back and grinned into his coat, "You're slowing down Tenten." He was right. Her breathing was eradict and she was having a hard time standing. "What's happening."

Suddenly his insects returned to him, "A light poison from my bugs. You should have paid more attention. We are Shinobi. Subtly is what we excel at."

Tenten fell unconscious immediately after, "Shino wins." Walking up he turned her over and drew a vial from his pocket. Pouring it into her mouth, " She should wake soon Proctor."

"Told you he won!" Naruto said with a devilish grin. "Hn." Sasuke just rolled his eyes at the blond. Giggling Naruto nudged his shoulder as Hikano and the cloud ninja Karui entered the arena.

The match began quickly. Karui drew her katana and charged at Hikano. Demon Wolves appeared. Moving at blinding speeds smashing her into a different direction. Spinning she went to lash out only for Hikano to save his wolf.

Blocking the attack he spun his naginata hitting her in the chin with the end of the staff. The attack sent her flying into the air. Before.she could recover though both wolves shot fire balls hitting her and smashing her into the ground.

"Hikano is impressive." Shino said from afar. Shikamaru just grinned at his friend, "He is a great tactician and strong combatant. One of the most skilled fighters of our generation."

Standing up Karui grinned, "Damn. You're pretty good samurai guy." Hikano bowed to the girl, "Thank you. You are quite skilled yourself."

"Cloud Style: Beheading!" She flew at Hikano who just kept himself calm, "Sun Technique: Ultimate Strike Zone." He said quietly. As their attacks met, Hikano's hit her dead in. Falling to the ground blood poured out of the wound.

Falling to her knees Karui used her katana to hold herself up, "Damn. I lost."  Genma nodded at Hikano, "Winner Hikano Karmasuti."

Naruto and Yahikio both cheered,  "Yeah Hikano!" "Way to take her down a peg!"

"Next match will be Sakura Harano versus Yahikio Krotia." The Raikage was stewing in frustration, "Your samurai brats are doing better then I thought."

Izuminokami grinned, "Well my forces are much different then you assassins." Raikage rolled his eyes before looking Kakashi up and down.

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