Discussion of Naruto's Future

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Konoha After Tenzō's Return

Tenzō's team appeared in front of the Hokage, "Lord Third." Hiruzen looked to see that they had failed to capture Kakashi, "I take it Kakashi defeated you?" The man exhaled smoke before putting his pipe down.

Bowing Tenzō nodded, "Yes Lord Third." Looking back at the old shinobi, "May we speak in private." Hiruzen dismissed the rest of the team and Anbu in the room while activating a barrier seal.

"What is it Tenzō?" Pulling his mask off, "Kakashi was ordered by the Fourth Hokage to take his son out of the village. Apparently he had learned of the true fall of Uzushio, he had planned on taking his family and Kakashi if he had wanted to Sun Country. Some Uzumaki survived and are rebuilding the clan."

Hiruzen let out a sigh, "If Minato had survived and done such a thing then we never would of been able to stop him."

"He wanted me to tell you once he had crossed the border. He only asked for his few friends to know. To protect Naruto from the Root." Hiruzen nodded, "That is true. Danzo would do anything for the Jinchuriki."

"If I may ask sir, will you petition the Daimyo to return Kakashi and the child?" Hiruzen looked at his young Shinobi who's eyes were filled with concern. "The Shinobi council will demand it. They may even demand war."

"Do you think they will?" Hiruzen shrugged, "They will try. Sun Country is small but powerful. They're Daimyo is as powerful as any of our Sanin. Plus we do not have a navy to engage them."

"I will call an emergency meeting. Go find those Kakashi trusts and let them know what is happening." Tenzō bowed before disappearing. 'Be safe Kakashi. I can't protect you from here.'

The room was now full of the clan heads and the village elders. "I am sorry to bring you all here at this hour but we have much to discuss."

Fugaku who was always impatient spoke up first, "What could be so important?" Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Well, as you know Minato and Kushina Uzumaki both died in the battle against the Nine-tails. However what many of you don't know was that their baby survived." That had everyone's attention. Fukaku who was a good friend to Minato was worried now.

Hiruzen clapsed his hands together, "After they died, Kakashi Hatake took their son Naruto Uzumaki out of the village. I sent Anbu to stop him but they were defeated. From our reports he fled to The Land of Sun."

Anger poured off of the elders as they glared at Hiruzen. Shikaku rubbed his temples, "How troublesome. If all the places he could go."

Hiashi looked at the Anbu Commander in confusion, "Why does that matter. Just petition their Daimyo. They have no ninja village to defend themselves." Everyone murmured in agreement.

Rolling his eyes in annoyance Shikaku answered, "Sun Country is a marvel . Much like the Land of Iron they use samurai for their main military might. Just like their brethren to the north, they have never been conquered. The closest thing was the defeat on one of their islands during the last Great Shinobi war."

Danzo smirked, "Then they face the might of Konoha." More Shinobi nodded in agreement.

Hiruzen shook his head, "Unfortunately it is not that simple. Kakashi for one knows our military quite well." The man paused, "Also the Uzumaki clan has survived and joined the Land of Sun. They will do anything to protect a survivor of their clan."

"Please samurai cannot stand against a Shinobi force." Hiruzen's old teammate Homura spoke as if what he spewed was fact. "You know as well as I that is not always the case."

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