Rise of Konoha

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Naruto landed with his team right with what was left of the Leaf Defense Force. Drawing his wakazashi with his blade Naruto allowed his own chakra to surround him. Forming almost armor around him.

Yahikio got moving first appearing in front of one of the shadow warriors. Slashing through it's back she left herself open. As another monster was about to get her it got tackled by a demon wolf.

Naruto sent chakra chains out smashing into the enemy lines. Killing ninja and shadow warriors alike. Retracting the chains he charged followed by many of the standard samurai. Many were wounded or weaker than he was.

Blocking the Kunai of a Konouchi Naruto spun removing her head seamlessly as he stabbed his side blade into the neck of a shadow warrior. Yahikio landed beside him, "These are all weak ones like before!"

"Still so many of them." Twirling her blade in her hand she shot into a fighting position. Hikano was dropped next to them by his owl.

Before the giant force could hit them again Jiriaya landed in front of them, "Summoning Jutsu!" A giant toad appeared in front of them, "Samurai! I'll take on the main force! Follow me and use your speed to counter attack!"

Suddenly Shinobi allies jumped over the wall to reinforce them, "Good job samurai! We will help you finish this!" With Leaf support they'd push back the enemy now. Naruto grinned as he moved down the side of the enemy forces hitting them as they focused on Jiriaya who sent massive flames down from on top of the warrior toad.

Kishima's forces now engaged. Naruto watched with joy as they started fully pushing the enemy back. Naruto charged forward as well. Moving in tandum with his team. Until something exploded in front of them. A giant shadow monster that looked like a dragon.

Jumping up next to Jiriaya, "Pervy Sage what is that?!" Jiriaya looked at the creature in absolute shock, "Kid. How much power can you summon from the fox?"

"Two tails I think." Roaring it sent a force that smashed into their forces sending them realing backwards.

Kishima landed on top of the Roads head. Looking around until he saw several much more powerful shadow warriors engaging their men, "Kishima I need you to hold that thing off while I gather nature chakra."

Naruto looked down as their forces started falling back, "I'm going to help the wolves." Kishima shook his head, "No you need to fall back behind the gates with everyone else." Orange chakra started mixing with his own. His eyes turned to slits. Shaking his head he moved faster then Kishima had ever seen.

Team 7 were right on the Sand genin's trail. Kankuro and Temari turned around to face them as Gaara retreated. Katsuki smiled, "Go we got this!" Two oclones appeared firing lighting, fire and wind at Kankuro who sacrificed a puppet to dodge the attack.

Sakura drew her tanto appearing behind Tamari cutting her down her back. The Sand konouchi turned her fan aimed at Sakura sending a giant wave of wind at her sending her flying into the trees.

Tamari fell to one knee feeling her own blood pouring down her back. 'This girls fast. I can't let her get close again.' Before she could plan her next attack Sakura kicked her in the stomach sending tumbling. Looking over she saw Kankuro was on the ground with a Kunai in his shoulder.

"You two should have picked the winning side." Katsuki sneered as he kicked Kankuro in the head knocking him unconscious.

Temari stood up and went to punch Sakura who easily dodged. Sinning she elbowed her in the face before landing a kick on her stomach. Smashing into a tree she watched the dead ninja run off as darkness settled in around her.

Four fireballs smashed into Gaara's defense. Drawing his chakra blade Sasuke took to the offensive. Moving agile and quickly he flipped through the air avoiding the sand. Activating his chidori he stabbed through the Sand barrier into Gaara's left arm.

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