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It has been two years since the samurai arrived at the Leaf. Naruto was still treated oddly. Though since the challenge Kakashi did, it had steadily gone down. Kakashi had been challenged by Hiashi Hyuuga. The Hyuuga fought well and ultimately lost.

Since then people just avoid Naruto. Which he is okay with. He and his friends are always together outside of training now so he is perfectly okay with that. Especially since he started learning the Kyuubi chakra.

Kashi had him working on just mixing the chakra into his own. He could pull huge sums, however he could pull just enough to change certain things. On top of his already impressive speed and strength do to his chakra control. If he added the little bit of Kyuubi chakra he would increase it to even higher levels. Allowing him to already keep up with Jonin combat speeds.

Though the weird part was the changes to himself. His finger nails extended to claws, giving him more options in combat. His eyes turned into red slits similar to a fox. When he did this, his vision became much sharper. He could pick up chakra and see attacks clearly. It wasn't quite as potent as the sharingan but it was close.

Sasuke had started training with him as well. Kakashi trained him in ninjatos and tantos. After sparing against Naruto on several occasions he decided that he preferred the ninjato. It was smaller yes, but the control offered by the blade made his intercept style easier to combine with the movements.

Kakashi watched as Naruto was sparing with Veit. His bokken in front of him he moved. His own chakra surging through his body. Coming down on the women he attacked. Veit quickly parried and moved for a counter.

Sliding to the right he avoided the attack. Slashing across her chest, she managed to block. Naruto jumped back before attacking again. Putting the bokken back, he went to a basic laido technique. Chakra formed below him pushing of leaving a dust cloud. He struck up barely missing.

Veit smiled, he had left himself open. Bringing her own up, landing a hit on the blond Jinchuriki's chest. Sending him flying backwards and smashing into the ground. Standing over him she smile, "Well you lost Blondie."

"Damn it! I thought I had you this time!" Veit helped the boy up, "You have more than enough chakra. In fact higher then anyone outside of a Full blooded Uzumaki. However if you used the foxes chakra you'd dwarf them. Learn when you need to enhance your body and weapon and when to not okay."

"Hai!" Naruto grinned as he stood up, "Think Kashi is done training Sasuke?" The Jinchuriki asked as he grabbed his actual Katana.

"Yeah they should be finishing soon. You may need to beat the boy up so he can unlock his Sharingan." Veit said as she took a drink of water.

Naruto thought of the other boy and shook his head, "No he is strong. I think he will get it soon no matter what!"

Ruffling his hair Veit smiled, "You better get going. I'm sure your friends are waiting for you " Naruto gave her his blinding smile before running off. Nemi who was watching stood up, "He is getting more powerful."

"Yeah. At this rate it won't be long before he passes us and starts climbing to Kakashi's level." Picking up her odachi Veit looked at her friend, "Yeah well. He will need to be, people will start challenging him soon."

Jumping Sasuke avoided the kick from Kakashi. Moving through hand signs he fired a fireball at the white haired man. Kakashi quickly put up a mud wall blocking the attack. Appearing on the left of the mud wall Sasuke threw shiruken at him. In a puff of smoke Kakashi was replaced with a log. Sasuke looked around for his sensei only to be grabbed by his ankles and pulled into the ground.

"I'm shocked you didn't use the other fire jutsu I taught you." Kakashi smiled as he pulled the Uchiha out of the ground. "Yeah well you know them so I thought I'd go with my regular jutsu."

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