Power of the Ones We Love

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Sitting next to Naruto's bed Sasuke stared at the bright blond boy that saved their lives at the last second. Peacefully sleeping unaware of anything around him.

He still couldn't believe it. Team 7 was about to be killed when Naruto appeared like a guardian angel. Thinking about the orange rage he shook his head. Naruto was more like a vengeful demon coming to destroy his enemies.

'My vengeful demon.' A smirk crossed his lips looking at his savior.squeezing the unconscious boy's hand as he wondered what was next.

"He still out." Sasuke looked up to see Kakashi walk in with the rest of his family. Tenya and his wife Kyoto. Along with Hiro and Nito.

Hiro sat down next to Sasuke, "How are you holding up Sasuke?" He looked at the older boy. He was around same age as Itachi was, "I'm okay. I just wish I could have been more of a help to him."

Nito chuckled from the other side of bed, "It's not your fault. You and your team of Genin went up against a tailed beast. Seeing you so hurt gave Naruto the push to stop him."

"Orochimaru has made a terrible enemy of us this time around." Kakashi said wiping the rear from his eye. Tenya scowled, "You are not wrong. Murdering the Hokage and attempted assassination or our Daimyo. He needs to be killed."

Talking of the snake Sannin made Sasuke grab his neck, "Master Uzumaki." Tenya smiled at Sasuke, "You're out Naruto's boyfriend and you stayed by his side during this whole ordeal. Uncle Tenya and Auntie Kyoto."

Sasuke felt a warmth in his chest, "Thank you......Uncle Tenya. I was wondering if you could remove this." Revealing the cursed mark to the Uzumaki.

Everyone shifted seeing it, "Yukon sealed it?" He asked Kakashi, "Yes. It stopped the spread and influence on Sasuke."

Tenya and his sons all examined it before Mito looked at his father, "What about the Demonic Removal ceremony? This has an essence of Orochimaru in. We could kill the piece of him inside but allow leave the mark giving him the excess power?"

Hiro smiled, "That could work but it is a risk. We don't know what kind of power it is."

"We will look at our options but we can for sure free you of that snake." Sasuke smirked, "Thank you."

"Now tell us how you calmed Naruto down from his rampage." Kyoto said with a smile, "Um I don't really know. He unlocked for tails during the fight and lost control of himself."

"F-four tails?" Kakashi asked to nobody in particular. Sasuke gazed at the unconscious boy as he slept, "He was terrifying and powerful. I stepped in his way before he could kill Gaara and he stopped."

Hiro looked at his older brother with a knowing smile who nodded. Kakashi thought for a moment.

It had been a whole day now since the attack. Everything still felt unreal. Over all the death toll wasn't to bad. Thanks to the samurai the enemy lines were utterly destroyed early on.

Konoha's detachment had suffered the worst having nearly a hundred and Thirty-two deaths. Against a force of two-thousand on their own. Kishima's forces had suffered around ninety deaths while Konoha had around a hundred and ten deaths.

"Did Naruto say anything before he passed out?" Sasuke nodded almost robotically, "He said my new eyes were pretty."

Kakashi walked up to Sasuke, "Activate your Sharingan." Sasuke obeyed causing his three tomoes to appear, "A little more chakra."

Confusion crossed Sasuke's face but he obliged. Forcing more chakra into his eyes making his vision even sharper. Kakashi's shocked expression made this situation even more confusing.

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