Adapting to a life for Naruto's future

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Kakashi had spent two years in The Land of Sun. He had adapted to life as a samurai well. He thought the transition would be difficult. Dropping jutsu for different Kenjutsu styles he learned that true Samurai masters were on the level of a Kage or Sanin.

Using his Sharingan he learned the different styles from different divisions and masters. Many samurai based a style of an element of chakra but didn't commit to actually generating the element. The Lieutenant that he had fought when he first arrived was one said warrior. His element being water. He emulated the flow of water to make his moves in ending and adaptable.

The crazy part of that, was his ability to adjust his chakra in different ways through his body. Whether it was speed or strength.

Kishima and Kakashi had become close friends since he arrived. His new friend was reserved and straight forward. Rarely did he allow emotion to take over. "Kakashi, I heard you started learning laido?"

Looking away from Naruto who was trying to force a cat to friend him, "Hai. I would like to be proficient enough to teach Naruto if he wishes."

Looking out at the boy he nodded, "He has a great burden. Even if he decides to not be a warrior he will be threatened." Looking at his ex-shinobi friend he saw a hint of saddnes in his eye. "I understand why Minato sensei did what he did. I just wish I could garentee his safety."

Tenya who had been listening decided to make his presence known, "Nobody can garentee safety or peace. We can only stay prepared for what we can. You are a good brother to him young Hatake."

"I hope so." Kakashi let out a sigh and leaned against the tree he was sitting in front of. Kishima gave a small smile. "Well you have prepared all the children training to be samurai how to fight a Anbu level ninja. Increasing their situational awareness to levels in heard of before."

"He is right. My boys both have improved vastly since your arrival." Nito and Hiro both viewed the blond Uzumaki as a baby brother. Even forgoing training to spend time with him. "They have been great for Naruto."

Tenya could tell the teenage warrior was blushing under that mask, "Maybe, but you have lived your life alone. Perhaps you have found what you lost?"

Before he could respond a messenger appeared, "Sorry Lord Uzumaki!" Bowing he held out a scroll. "Kishima, Kakashi you are to head to the General Ookuricara immediately. I and Kyoto will watch Naruto."

Making their way to the General's main building of the Defense division they entered to see several of the commanders and Lieutenants standing by. Bowing, "You called for us General." Kishima bowed, "Yes, Land of Wave has several ships that are about to land on the island with around twelve hundred Shinobi."

The commander was a mountain of a man. He had a katana but his his primary weapon was a Naganata. He had short black hair. Green eyes and fair skin. His armor was red with images of different floral. Instead of having kode plates on both shoulders he had one only on his left side.

That had gotten Kakashi's attention, "That is why you have me here as well?" Kakashi looked at his commanding officer who nodded back at the ex-shinobi. "I know I have not been kind to your...... assignment to my legions but, I believe you are the best man for this job."

Kakashi nodded, "Hai. I will do what I can." Everyone immediately started talking Preparation of the enemy troops. How they passed by their own fleets without being seen. Though this island was small, many of their trades went through thier ports. Losing here could decimate their trade with foreign powers.

Looking at the terrain Kakashi had an idea, "Excuse me. But I may have an idea."

Gesturing to the map Kakashi stood up, "Just send Kishima's Platoon." Everyone looked at him like he was crazy, "You want to send six hundred men against a force of over twelve hundred."

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