Preparing for Invasion

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To say Kakashi was frustrated was an understatement. They potentially had a massive force going to invade the village and the Ninja Council and Hiruzen wanted to flush out the trap during the final of the Chunin exams.

"I don't think you understand the implications." Every clan head glared at Kakashi. Hiashi shook his head, "No you in your time as a samurai makes it so you don't understand. We are Shinobi, we will fight this battle from and in the shadows."

Shikaku looked sympathetically at the ex-shinobi, "What would you purpose? I agree that waiting is.not the best outcome."

"Allow us to attack. If not that set up better patrols and Fortifications outside the village." Hiruzen lit his pipe as the conversation continued, "It could be misinterpreted as a prelude to war."

"Lord Hokage we are already there. Both the Raikage and Kazekage sent assassins to kill the clan heirs. The only reason this council has children left is do to Naruto and his team interviening. Then Orochimaru infiltrated and attacked Sasuke Uchiha. He defeated Team 7 and Naruto's team and that was with Naruto using three tails worth of the Nine-Tails chakra."

Tsume, Choza, and Inoichi were all now siding with Kakashi. He could see the worry in their eyes, "So what do you propose?"

"I'll ask for aid from Lord Izuminokami. If he gives me the Kishima and his Battalion we will be able to handle most of the fighting. My defense force will take on any incoming force while your forces protect the civilians in the village. Kishima and I will be tied up protecting the Daimyo if he comes to the Chunin exams." Everyone listens carefully.

Shikaku nods along, "My guess is Orochimaru will know he needs to get the foreign forces behind the walls. My guess is he will use his snake summons for that."

Danzo sat in the back listening to his plan unravel. These samurai are becoming a nuisance. 'Orochimaru doesn't need to succeed. But Kakashi needs to be eliminated.'

Walking into the samurai compound Naruto went straight to the smith. His armor was completely destroyed by Orochimaru's attack. Walking in he saw the big woman that runs the smith.

He stood at sex feet tall and was pure muscle. She was an artist at creating weapons and it showed on the samurai who wielded them,"Good morning Cerita!"

"Naruto! You checking on your new armor?" Naruto gave the women a bright smile, "Yeah I am. I know it's not done but I'm excited."

"Well come look than." Walking back he saw the orange armor laying in pieces. Fur filled the bracers and around away his neck is, "It's gunna be so pretty!"

She chuckled, "Go to the hot springs then and relax. It should be done by the time you go home for dinner." Smiling Naruto agreed and headed out.

As he approached the hot springs he saw Jiriaya standing there peeking through a hole in the wall. Recognizing the man immediately he snuck up on him, "It's not nice peeking on girls you know old man."

Jiriaya jumped back before chuckling, "Naruto! How are you?!" Seeing the boy in an orange and blue battle kimono, "I'm strong now! Soon I'll be strong then you ya know!"

Jiriaya could help but smile, "It has.been some time. I am sorry I haven't been able to visit you and Kakashi before you got here or after your arrival."

Naruto just shrugged, "It's fine. I've been training anyway." Jiriaya's face hardened, "Well how about I train you?"

Naruto tilted his head, "How you're a shinobi and I'm a samurai?" Laughing he hit him on the back, "Well normally I'd offer you the Toad summon but they are a Shinobi summon. So instead we will work on your chakra control."

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