Fox Encounters Some Snakes

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The Sun's Wolves made their way outside the village. It had been awhile since this many of their team went on a mission together. To say Kakashi was excited was an understatement.

As he was walking Veit bumped his shoulder, "What are you thinking about Kashi?" Giving her his signature eye smile, "I'm just happy we are on a mission again. Just like the old days."

"Yes." Uto spoke with a soft smile, "We are just missing Keigo right now." The burly man had his konabo strapped to his back.

"The twerp is probably corrupting little Naruto as we speak." Nemi said as she looked around. She had been put in charge of the Clients safety as they made their way out.

Their client Tazuna who had come for help of a Genin team had informed the Hokage of some sort of monster Ninja's that were roaming the area as he left the Land of Waves. He was going to lie to them initially until he heard hat Keigo Ishiko's team of Samurai were there. Keigo being from his village originally.

Hiruzen couldn't except lower pay, but gave the opportunity for Kakashi to use it as an diplomatic mission for the Land of Sun. "So Tazuna. How did Gato get control over the Land of Waves anyway?"

"After the fall of Uzushio we no longer had a force to defend us. Gato used the lack of military power to kill our Daimyo and control our waters." The saddnes in Tazuna made Kakashi realize just how bad it was.

As he thought about whether or not to inform Keigo of his home land Kakashi noticed a puddle. Smirking under his mask he stepped in it on purpose to spring the trap. Two Shinobi launched out trying to take him by surprise. In a quick and fluid motion Kakashi sliced through the chain.

Both ninja who Kakashi recognized as the Demon Brother Meizu and Gōzu, "You are standing against the Land of Sun's Wolves. If you don't stand down than you will be eliminated." He said with a hint of cheer.

"Samurai stand no chance in a fight with us." Charging again Kakashi just shook his head. Veit was already on top of them. Slashing up with her odachi removing the claw off of Meizo. Screaming in pain he fell to his knees. Side stepping Gōzu's attack she swept her sword to the right cutting across the man's stomach. Falling he looked at his brother as his entrails fell from his body and he fell to the ground.

"GŌZU!" Veit hit him on the side of the head knocking him to the ground. Looking at Kakashi he shook his head, "Yukon. Seal him into a prisoner seal."

"Yes Commander." Yukon got to work while Kakashi summoned Pakkun, "Kakashi? It's been awhile."

"Hello old friend. I need you to deliver this prisoner to the Hokage. Also I have the information written down on our current mission. Get it to Keigo Ishiko and Naruto."

"Yes boss." Kakashi watched the dog run off before deciding to find a place to set up camp for the night. 'It is a good thing Tazuna decided to not ask for a Genin team.'

Team Keigo was excited to make it to this village. They had been traveling for a couple of days now. The trip had been pretty uneventful so far. Much to Naruto's disappointment. The Jinchuriki felt like he was ready to prove himself already.

As they had approached the area the bandits had been in, you could see the damage. Houses destroyed, caravans were abandoned, and in some other cases bodies of families in the ditches. Every step made Naruto more and more angry.

Seeing the village only made the feeling worse. Pain shown on every member of this village, "Sensei. We need to find these jerks." Naruto stated quietly. killing intent leaked from the blond as he looked around.

Arriving at a small official building they were greeted by a small but round man with long straight black hair, "We were told that a ninja squad was coming."

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