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Disposing of his broken armor Naruto wrapped any injuries he had with the help of Hikano. After a full day Sasuke hadn't woken up yet. Katsuki tried convincing the samurai to leave but they refused. Saying it was better to get them out in one piece together.

Sensing a few chakra signatures not far off Naruto stood up and walked out. Three sound ninja walking out to meet him, "You're the one that made us look weak before the written exam. We can kill you than kill that dumb Uchiha."

"Or you can retreat now and fight us during the one on one battles. Because if you stay to fight us we will kill you for threatening a friend."

One boy with face wrappings and massive gauntlets stepped forward, "We?"

Three shadow wolves stepped out of the woods behind them and started growling. Hikano stepped up next to Naruto with a look that could kill while Yahikio appeared next to Dosu with her tanto at his neck.

Katsuki threw his Kunai from a tree not to far off with fell in between the sound team catching their attention. Looking up they saw both Sakura and Katsuki grinning down at them.

"Zaku we need to retreat." Looking at the combined force he knew they couldn't win. However disappointing Orochimaru seemed worse. Before he could call off the attack a massive amount of evil chakra flooded the area from the Leaf's hideout.

Sasuke walked out with strange marking covering his skin, "Sasuke." Naruto said trying to get his attention.

"Get him now!" Zaku charged only for Sasuke to suddenly appear in front of him. Naruto barely saw the boy move. Grabbing Zaku by his arm he twisted and everyone froze on the snap. Sasuke had the other arm already in his grasp before Naruto broke out of his thoughts.

Sasuke broke his second arm like a twig, "So much power!" An evil smile broke on Sasuke's face. Throwing Zaku at his teammates, "I'll kill all of you."

Stepping in front of him Naruto placed his hand on the boys chest, "Sasuke. Stop please." Looking into those blue teary eyes Sasuke froze, "This isn't you."

Something clicked as the markings receded, "Naruto." His own tears started forming as Naruto pulled him in wrapping his arms around the Uchiha.

"I'm so sorry Naruto." Unsure of what to say Naruto just held him. He knew that what ever that seal did wasn't good. Naruto needed to figure out how to remove it."

Katsuki looked over at Sakura and saw a sad smile on her face. They now knew for sure that the two boys cared for each other much more than friends. The marked samurai boy must have noticed the awkwardness, "We should probably move."

Naruto separated from Sasuke and smiled at Hikano, "Right! We have a scroll for you guys by the way. We got it off of some jerks who tried killing us."

Team 7 and Naruto's team made their way to the tower in no time. Activating their own scroll Keigo appeared, "Well hello my little samurai!"

Looking at his team he noticed how beat up they were, "What happened to your armor Naruto."

"Sensei. We have much to discuss." Looking at the dead serious tone of the team he nodded, "Come I have a somewhere private we can speak."

They filled him in on all the information they had acquired during the exam. From their fight with enemy ninja that were tasked with eliminating them to their battle for survival against Orochimaru, "Unfortunately we are about to do a Preliminary tournament. After we will gather with the Wolves. Your brother will know what to do."

Making their way to the main room Hiruzen, Kakashi and the clan heads were standing above them while the captains were all standing in front of the surviving Genin. Hayate Gëkko stood directly in front of them, "Genin and samurai Novice. You did well to pass the forest of Death. However to many of you passed so we will have a single elimination tournament to decide who will participate in the finals."

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