Failure is Never Easy

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Orochimaru's sword extended barely missing Kakashi. Smashing into the ground behind him. Kakashi launched creating a crater where he was once standing. Slashing through the Sanin. Turning around he brought his katana up and aimed it at the man.

Throwing his head back, Orochimaru burst out of his own mouth with a new body, "Kukuku. I'm impressed. You are much stronger as a samurai, then you were a Shinobi little puppy."

Kishima landed next to the lightning samurai as he tried to come up with a solution. His body was almost out of chakra and they were facing one of the strongest Shinobi alive. 'We need to end this soon.'

The Sanin moved first. Appearing behind the samurai, Kakashi flipped his blade attempting to stab the psychopath. Side stepping his attack he punched Kakashi sending him sailing through the battlefield.

Orochimaru grabbed his sword and easily deflected Kishima's attack. What the Sanin hadn't known was that Kakashi was helping his closest friend develop a style similar to his new and improved white fang style. "Water Style." As he he spun water emerged from his blade as he spun around. The high pressured water cut through everything around him. Orochimaru jumped back barely able to avoid the extended blade of destruction.

"Kukuku. I'm impressed." Kishima looked behind the Sanin. Not much strength left he held his sword up. Trying to come up with something. Kakashi and him were better fighters and swordsman than the Sanin. However the man just had so much more experience.

Keigo started pushing through door after door. He was frustrated at the maze of tunnels they created here. Nemi was right behind the younger samurai. Frustration and fear for her friends evident in the older women's face.

Running to the end of another hall the turned the corner to see a wolfade of shadow and yellow eyes staring at them. Both raised their weapons waiting for a fight only to have the wolf turn around and wag it's tail. As Keigo lowered his katana the wolf took off, with him after it.

"KEIGO!" He could hear Nemi chasing behind him until they found a cell. The wolf hit the door and disappeared. Cutting the lock he opened to see a boy Naruto's age with marking and brown hair.

"Damn it you fuck-" Nemi's eyes went wide in surprise seeing the boy. "Keigo. Your faster get to Kakashi. I'll take him back to the others." Nodding the boy out his wakizashi away and took off to his commanding officer.

Orochimaru looked off to the distance. Seeing he was distracted both Kishima and Kakashi moved for the kill. Coming back to reality, Orochimaru smiled. In a show of force his arms shot wrapping both of the warriors by their necks. Spinning he smashed them both into the ground.

In an attempt to stand, Kakashi looked at the Sanin. He knew he'd lost the fight. Orochimaru picked up Kakashi's sword, "This was fun but I must go now."

Throwing the sword towards him Kakashi felt the world slow down. Naruto's face popped into his head. 'I hope Tenya can train you to be strong Naruto.' Before the blade could hit him, Kishima jumped in the way.

Blood splattered on Kakashi's face, "Kishima!" Catching the other young man in his arms. Looking to where Orochimaru was, he saw the man  was nowhere to be seen. The man was barely conscious, "Hey look at me you'll be okay."

Spitting out blood Kishima nodded, "Y-eah we...will....go with .......that."

"Kashi! We made it!" Stopping Keigo looked wide eyed at the situation. "Kiego where is Nemi?" Looking at his tear filled commander as he attempted to slow the bleeding of his friend, "We found a child. I was coming assist."

"Go get Yukon now. I don't care if he is dying on the side of a mountain." The younger samurai disappeared in an instant to get the  Uzumaki. 'I am still not strong enough to protect my prescious people.'

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