Final Elimination!

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Standing in front of a war table Kakashi and his wolves stood along with his captains. Everyone went over the plan. To say Kakashi was worried was an understatement. From the looks of everything Cloud was not part of everything. But he had to guess they were going to use an elite team of ninja to fight against someone. Though who he didn't know.

"Everyone. As you know the safety of the Leaf and the alliance we have worked so hard to broker is at risk. After collaboration with Jiriaya the Toad Sannin we have determined that the Sound village has infiltrated the village."

All the Samurai murmured around the table, "Now. We have heard from Anbu scouts that two forces are attacking the village from the outside. One massive force of Sand Ninja. With a smaller force coming from Sound."

"My Lord Hatake. How many Shinobi will engage us?" Letting out a sigh, "Sand is sending a force of roughly ten thousand. While the Sound rallied an army of merely two thousand. However we  are going to be facing the Sound force directly."

"What? We have only have six hundred men." Captain Yuka Karsuka called out, "How are we going to defeat a force like this?"

"It's not about defeating it. Sound will try to take down the village walls with summons. If we hold them the ninja within Konoha will route any enemies and join the fight. However Kishima is currently hiding his forces. While Tenya Uzumaki and the Sealing division have Seals hidden along every point of the soon battle field. With these we will divide and destroy the enemy forces."

Three Days Before Chunin Exams

Naruto slashed blue chakra flowing through his blades. Spinning he swung up and sent a wave of chakra slashing through the ground. Grinning he flipped his katana and sheathed it, "I'm getting the hang of this now."

Since his confession to Sasuke Naruto found things easier to learn, "Hey Naruto!" Turning around he saw Sasuke walking to the training ground. Feeling his cheeks warm he waved, "Sasuke!"

"You've gotten stronger. Can't wait to show you my new move." Sasuke jumped in front of Naruto. Reaching out he took his hand, "So lunch Naruto?"

"Yeah!" Naruto's bright smile made Sasuke's stomach flutter, "So Ramen?" Naruto chuckled, "You know me so well!"

Making their way to Ichiraku Ramen Naruto sensed different chakra signatures he hadn't felt in a long time. Naruto stopped his face showing pure shock, "Naruto are you okay?"

Pulling him along and taking, "It's not possible they came!" Running into the village they stopped to see four red headed Uzumaki Sasuke had never seen before.

"Nito. Hiro." The two younger samurai turned seeing Naruto and both had tears in their eyes. One was roughly sixteen while the other was over twenty."

"Naruto." The younger boy said before they ran over tackling Naruto into a crushing hug. Happy tears erupted between the brothers. Sasuke realizing these were the brothers from the Sun he would talk about.

"You got so!" Hiro's face went from excited to a deadpanned expression, "Nope you're still short"

"Hey I'm not that short you jerk!" Naruto yelled at the boy. Nito walked up and put his hand on his head, "Hiro is right. You're still short." 

"Well I'm stronger now!" Naruto proclaimed, "We are sure of it Naruto." While they were talking Tenya and Kyoto approached them, "Naruto."

"Uncle Tenya! Auntie Kyoto!" Naruto jumped into them wrapping his arms around their necks, "Oh Naruto. You're so big now!" Kyoto cooed. Naruto giggled and blushes knowing his new boyfriend was standing there watching.

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