Return to the Leaf

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Kakashi had his team gathered around the war room. Ookuricara and Kishima both there as well, to go over the plans for Kakashi's return to the And of Fire. Kakashi could see the concern look on his brethren for calling this meeting.

"Hello Wolves!" Kakashi gave them an eye smile, "As you a know I was part of a meeting with Konoha's delegatio. They want my help training the last remaining Uchiha and want the return of 'their' Jinchuriki."

His teammates zeroed in on that peice. Veit yelled first, "The Daimyo can't really be thinking about this!" Yukon nodded in agreement, "If he thinks I'll let those ninja bastards have Naruto they have another thing coming!"

Nemi slammed her fist down, "Give Keigo and I four days and we can destroy Konoha!" Kakashi started laughing his team had all fallen in love with Naruto. Taking him outside of Sun territory terrified him.

"Don't worry. Naruto showed he is loyal to the Daimyo and the Land of Sun." Ookuricara spoke easing the tension.

Kishima gave them as sympathetic of a look he could muster, "Shikaku Nara and the Hogake themselves want peace with Sun. So a treaty was struck. Two platoons will be stationed at Konoha while they will have similar forces stationed here in one of the islands."

"So the Wolves are going to play in the leaves?" Kakashi gave a sad look, "Not all of us." Looking at the youngest member, "Keigo you have been promoted to the Royal Guard. Yukon and Uto. You both will stay here and command a new group."

"Nemi and Veit. It is up to you if you two want to accompany me and Naruto to the Leaf." Both women nodded, "We will come with you." Veit smiled at Kakashi, "Not even a debate."

"WHAT?!" Yukon yelled, "Why can't Uto and I come?!" Kakashi sighed, "You two have a son now. Hikano has finally got used to Uto being his father. Once you two got together it gave him some stability. Raise him here for now. Besides you two will be our best to watch over the Shinobi."

Kakashi looked to see Keigo looking down at the war table, "Keigo what's wrong?" The boy looked up and smiled, "I know this was my dream but I'm going to miss you guys ya know?"

Kishima smirked, "Don't worry. You'll all see each other again." The wolves decided to have one more night as a team together. Going out and drinking one last victory drink before going their separate ways.

Naruto was sitting with his two best friends and his brothers. Yahikio tried to hide the tears budding up in her eyes, "So your leaving just like that?"

"Yeah. The Daimyo wants me to be able to choose where I want to live I guess." He said looking at the ground.

Nito sighed, "I know he is doing what he thinks is best but how can we trust shinobi to keep their word?" Hiro nodded while wiping his eyes, "Yeah they are all liars and assasins."

Looking at Hikano, Naruto saw he had no emotion on his face. His eyes however looked heart broken, "Hikano. We aren't going to stop being friends just because I'm leaving."

"I know. I just am going to miss you. You helped me heal after everything that snake did to me." Naruto smiled and pulled his friend in for a hug. Yahikio immediately jumped in as well.

Tenya and Kyoto we're watching from the house, "As much as it hurt the kids, it may have been the strongest alliance in generations." Kyoto nodded, "Yes but it's hard being so young and having so much responsibility. Not to mention Naruto won't have other apprentices his age for at least a couple years."

"Yeah. I will work with Ookuricara about that. He will need an apprentice team to fully grow." Tenya laughed, "That Kakashi really has helped revolutionize our training and military. Between him and Kishima, our island in particular will be extremely powerful."

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