Proposition From the Leaf

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Naruto practiced his katas as he waited for Kakashi to show up. Since all his brothers serve now he trained in his own quite a bit. Kakashi being the leader of the Wolves still. Nito was doing extremely well in the Sealing Corp. Hiro and his team were part of the defense force. Kakashi's restructuring of the novice teams improved there skills as a team and better prepared them for real missions.

Naruto turned ten tomorrow. He'd be in his own team with a samurai instructor in two years. He couldn't wait to see his team. His friends were all learning training with their clans. Since his big brother and Kishima lost to Orochimaru almost four years ago they increased his training as well.

"Hey Naruto!" Turning around he saw his two best friends. Yahikio Troika, she had black hair with pink tips that she tied back into a bun with a butterfly hair clip. She wore a black kimino with a green and blue checker haori over her clothes.

Her father is Captain Troika of the royal defense force now. He was the same captain that had escorted Kakashi to the palace. After the first battle with the Wolves, he decided to have Yahikio and her older sister train with Naruto and Kakashi.

His other friend had grown a lot since his brother's team found him. He now goes by Hikano Karmasuti. Uto adopting him about a year after finding him. Having the same temperament as Uto helped with that relationship.

They were to be on the same team once they get a trainer. It had already been decided by the Daimyo himself. They would become the start of the next generation of Wolves. Something young Naruto was excited for.

"Hey Hikano! Yahikio! What are you guys doing over! Weren't you both supposed to be in the main island?" Yahikio smirked, "Oh we were but my dad had me stay. I guess there are some visitors from a ninja village."

Hikano nodded, "Same. Uto wanted me to stay and practice with my shadow summons. My shadow wolves are strong but he thinks I can summon more." Hikano has some rare bloodline that allows him to summon shadow creatures to fight with.

Naruto smiled, "Well I can use my chains to hold anything dangerous!" Hikano smiled at the excited blond, "That was Uto's thinking as well."

"Well let's get started! Maybe you will be able to summon something else!" Yahikio jumped up, "Oh how exciting! Maybe I can even get some training out of this!"

Tenya arrived to see Naruto with his two friends in the practice field, "Shadow Art: Shadow Summon!" An owl appeared, dark with yellow eyes, it cover itself in purple lighting. Naruto smiled as he pulled his bokken out. "Let's go!"

It moved attack the blond. Yahikio cut it off blocking the attack with her bokken. Naruto jumped pressing off the girls shoulders hitting it to the ground. Pushing off it attempted to take flight only for Hakino to hit it again. Naruto used this opportunity to send four golden chains out. Wrapping the creature and holding it in place.

Hakino put his hand on its head, "Shadow Seal: Ultimate Companion." Naruto retracted his chains, the owl jumped up onto its feet. Ruffling its feathers it hooted at Hakino before putting it's head on his hand to be pet.

Yahikio looked at it in awe, "That thing is massive. It's bigger than us!" Hakino nodded, "My wolves are as well."

"Very good you three. No wonder you perform so much better then the rest of your class." Tenya walked out and ruffled Naruto's hair. "Thanks uncle Tenya! Look at Hakino's owl! It's so cool!"

"Come on kids. Mito is gunna be home for dinner and Kyoto is making ramen for dinner." Naruto threw his fist up in excitement, "Yay! Ramen! Come on guys!" Grabbing his friends he ran into the house.

Naruto set the table for everyone to eat. Even pouring tea for them. As he finished pouring the last cup of tea Nito walked in, "Naruto!"

Running out of the dining room Naruto wrapped his arms around his brothers neck. "Nito! I'm so glad your home! I haven't seen you in forever!"

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