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« have a great day babe, i'll pick you up at 5 » billy said to you, holding himself against his Camero's trunk lighting a cigarette.

you smile at him, looking at how handsome he looks right now, in the sun.

billy has been your boyfriend for a year and a half now, and you fell for him pretty fast. he was the most beautiful boy you've ever seen, he was funny, tough and confident. lucky for you, he was also the best in bed. every other girl in high school would look at him like they could eat him right away. but you're weren't afraid or jealous, billy had eyes only for you and he wasn't scared to show you off at any occasion.

you lived together in a small house next to your bestfriend Robin's. Billy didn't go to high school anymore, he started working while you were in class. he would drop you off every morning and come pick you up every afternoon, and you would spend your evenings and nights together. everything was perfect, well ... almost perfect.

« i love you » you said, and he winked at you in response. he hopped in his car and drove away, cutting crew blasting. you walked in high school looking for Robin.

« y/n ! there you are ! » she said in a hurry to grab your hand and push you towards her locker.
« calm down Rob, what's going on? » you asked, worried.

Robin has been your best friend since kindergarten, you did everything together. you loved how goofy and messy she was, but she also was the best confident ever. she would always cheer you up, make you dance and laugh whenever you needed it. when your parents left, she was the only family you had by your side.

« i might have done something stupid, and by stupid i mean totally dumb, like why would i do that? i'm sweating. is it really hot in here or is it just me? » she started to get lost in her words, so quickly that you could barely understand what she was trying to say.
« hey slow down i don't get it. what's stupid ? »
« i almost told Viki i had a crush on her and kind of asked her out on a date and now i'm having a panic attack. » she said with her eyes opened wide and her small grin.
« but that's amazing Robin ! why would it be stupid ? you're just going to relax, be yourself and stay cool. if she didn't like you she wouldn't have said yes to you. everything is fine. » you tried to comfort her.

she hugged you tightly, thanking you for everything. her short hair, her freckles and her habit to always say sorry makes you feel at home. she was your home. but now, billy makes you feel that way too. Robin wasn't very comfortable with billy at first, she tried to stop you from getting closer to him but when she saw how much your cared about him and how much he took care of you, she learned to appreciate him.

every single class of this friday morning was so boring that you almost fantasized about just being outside. the teachers were slow, and robin wasn't in these classes.
in high school, everybody started to be nice to you when they saw you arrive in billy's car for the first time. boys started looking at you and girls started to envy you. but you didn't really care, you just wanted to stay with your bestfriend and go back to your boyfriend's arms at the end of the day.

the bell rang, it was time for the cafeteria. at least for everyone else, because you waited for Robin outside, smoking a cigarette.

« - hey y/n, what's up? » steve harrington came up to you with a smile on his face. his hair always so voluminous, and his hands always resting on his hips.
« - i'm great, did you need anything steve ? » you asked, not really sure why he would come talk to you.
« - hm i heard you're uh... billy's girlfriend, well i'm throwing a party tonight and i was wondering if i would see you both there ? »
« - i thought you two hated each other ? » you laughed, thinking about the time you saw them fighting.
« - nah i'm over it, and everyone wants him to be here cause you know ... billy's the party monster. »
« yeah, i know. » you sighted thinking about him getting drunk at every parties and being an asshole with everyone at the last one.

you told steve you would come, and Robin arrived. she asked you what you were talking about and you told her about the party.

« - i hate parties, i'm not going. » she said sternly.
« - come on ! it'll be great ! we'll be together the whole time. »
« - y/n you know i absolutely love spending time with you but i just can't, and my date is tonight so ... no thanks. »

you rolled your eyes and went to the cafeteria.
the day passed slowly and it was time to head out. you waved goodbye to Robin and headed towards the black Camaro.
Rock You Like A Hurricane by Scorpions was blasting inside your boyfriend's car. you hopped in and kissed his cheek. he worn his sunglasses and had a cigarette stuck between his lips. he started the car and rested his hand on your thigh.

« - did you have a great day ? » you asked softly, holding his hand on your thigh.
« - kinda, was missing you though. » he responded
« - i missed you too, pretty boy. »

you looked through the window, thinking about the party tonight.

« - Harrington is throwing a party at his place tonight, shall we go ? » you asked, hoping for him to say no when you perfectly knew he would say yes.
« - of course we're going. but i didn't have time to get some weed. i have to go back to world to finish something. would you go for me ? »
« - to grab some weed ? sure. just give me the address and i'll get there. »
« - it's not far from home, it's actually in the trailer park. »

the trailer park, you used to play there often when you were a kid. you loved to hide there, explore things and play with the dogs. you smiled thinking about this kind of memories. the best ones, with Rob.

« - to who am i supposed to buy it from ? »
« - Eddie Munson, the freak. »

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