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eddie munson ? it's been a very long time since you haven't heard his name. little edward munson. the buzzed haired boy who used to spend his afternoons playing with you, in the trailer park.

it was when robin had to spend two years away in her aunt's house, cause her family's situation was being a total mess. you could've offered her to stay with you if your situation wasn't even worse.
your dad used to get very very mad at your mom when he drunk too much, and he got violent. your mom was a nice woman, but she couldn't attend her most important mission : protect her child.

when Robin left, you felt alone, so alone. she was your only friend and confident. the only person with who spend some time was worth it.

you were sitting on the grass, in the trailer park, near your favorite spot with Robin. she left two weeks ago, and you feel empty. like a part of you left with her.

you look all around you, remembering how much you loved this place as children. you're weren't kids anymore to mess around and play roles. you were 14, you were understanding the world, and what happened with your family. you used to talk for hours with her, laugh and listen to some music.

you felt tears tickling your eyes so you looked down at the grass, and started picking some near your feet, trying to focus on something so you won't cry again.

« - why are you crying ? » asked a voice near you.
you looked up and saw him, the boy you've seen so many times with robin without knowing who he was. you only knew he was in your middle school but he didn't talk much to anyone.

« - i'm not. » you harshly responded.
« - you know ? crying won't help. but i can. » he said getting closer to you.

he was dressed in black trousers, a white shirt and some black leather jacket. his eyes were bright, and his hair very short. he smiled. this smile, you loved it instantly.

« - and how would you help me ? you don't even know me. »
« - maybe i don't, but i know these kind of tears. »
he sat next to you, and you avoided his gaze. why would he care about you ? and what does he talk about ?

« - my bestfriend left two weeks ago. she was the only person i cared about since my parents are assholes and nobody understands me. » you finally let out, impressed of your own vulnerability.

the boy stayed silent for a minute, and finally sighted.
« - my parents never wanted me. they just dropped me off at my uncle's trailer right there, when i was 5. i barely remember them. the only thing that really kept me on going was music and ...this. »
you looked at him, and smiled as he took out a pack of cigarettes.
« - do you ... smoke ? » you asked shyly
« - yeah, i grab them from my uncle's things when he's asleep. tastes like freedom, and strength. »

you looked at him while he inhaled the smoke and exhaled it. he then looked right into your eyes and you blushed slightly. he offered one to you.

« - wanna try one ? » he asked.
« - why not... is it safe ? »
« - yeah i guess, if every grown up does it. »

you took a hit on the cigarette and exhaled while coughing like you were dying. but he was right. it tasted like freedom, like you were finally you, an adult. you thanked him and you started to talk.

« - what's your name ? »
« - you can call me eddie, y/n. »
« - how do you know mine ? » you asked slightly impressed.
« - that's a secret. »

that's how you started smoking. with him, eddie munson. you two started to hang out every day after school, on weekends and holidays. during two long years, you were both a pair. he introduced you to his group, Corroded Coffin, where he played guitar like a rockstar. and you used to sing some of his songs for fun.
*end of the flashback*

« - y/n ? where did you go ? » asked billy, pulling you out of your transe.
« - i'm sorry, i'm kind of nervous actually. »
« - why ? does the freak scares you ? » he laughed
« - no he's doesn't, and don't call him that please. that's really not nice. »
« - well, i'm only nice with the one who owns it. » he said deeply, moving his hand closer to your hip while still driving.

billy was very flirty and always ready to rail you, whenever and wherever. you liked that. you felt sexy and attractive with him. but sometimes, he used it to avoid some subjects he didn't wanna bring on the table.

« - i'm being serious, i used to hang out with him when i was a kid. » you told him while he dropped you off in front of your house.
« - what ? with that prick ? » he sounded really surprised.
« - billy ! for gods sake ! »
« ok sorry, alright ? it's just that he's a weirdo. »
« yeah okay, well he's also nice. i mean, he was. »

billy exhaled loudly before getting his wallet out of his pocket.

« - whatever, here's 50$. keep the change to get some nice outfit for tonight babe. » he said handing you the bill.
« - you perve. see you. » you said while getting out of the car and heading towards the house. you heard billy drive away, and you were finally on the way to have a drug deal with eddie munson.

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