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"- fuck y/n" billy groaned in your neck.

he was pounding in you at an ungodly pace, and you were just a moaning mess. you were pressed against the wall, turning your back on him, he was fucking you from behind roughly. he held your hair with a tight grip and kissed your neck, sometimes bit on it.

your orgasm was close, and you felt him riding it for you. you felt his warm semence inside your walls and moaned his name one last time. billy rested his forehead on your back, exhausted.

"- fuck, that was ... insane." he sighted out of breath.

he then headed to the shower, and you heard the water running. you looked at the bedroom, totally upside down, and giggled. you both had so many rounds, was the workout of your life, as Mr Hargrove likes to say. you joined him in the bathroom and opened the shower curtain. he turned around, his hair and face soaked, water dropping all over his muscular torso.

you smiled and hopped in, and slapped his ass.

"- y/n don't even try to do that again." he threatened.

"- not my fault you have the nicest ass" you laughed.

he smiled and started to tickle you, imprisoned you in his arms and pushed your head underneath the shower head. you both were laughing your asses off, and this kind of moments reminded you how much you loved him. that was the billy you fell for, playful and caring.

he stopped and looked at your soaked face. he replaced some of your hair who were falling on your face and smiled. his gaze was passing you a message when his words couldn't. he loved you, and you loved him too.

"- I'mma put a ring on this finger one day." he said holding your left hand.

you passed your arms around his shoulders and hugged him tightly. you two were pressed against each other under the warm water, you didn't want to end this hug. you felt so guilty, and horrible towards him. the songs eddie wrote you discovered changed something in you, your feelings towards billy were now confused. because eddie was starting to make room in your head and you couldn't really think straight.

you shook your head to stop you from overthinking and you finished to shower with billy.
the evening was going chill, nothing much happened. you were washing the dishes while billy was working out in the living room, smoking. you always found that pretty weird, exercising while smoking was a bit contradictory... but that kinda represented well your boyfriend.

the phone rang. you jolted and looked at it. it was eddie for sure. you looked at your soaked hands and billy walked straight to the phone.

« - i'll take it, don't worry babe. » he winked at you.

you gasped and were about to protest when he answered. you felt your all your organs fall, it was like you knew everything was over.

« - hello ? » picked up billy with a straight face.

he furrowed his brows and looked at you in the eyes. he's really going to think something is wrong.

« - okay sure, ill be there. » he said hanging up.

what ? wasn't it eddie ? billy doesn't seem pissed or anything. he just looks ... neutral ?

« - who was it ? » you asked trying to hide your stress
« - uh ... someone from work, i need to go. » he said putting on his jacket.

you felt sadness hit you right in the face. he had to leave ? for work ? at 10 pm ? what the fuck ?

« - what ? why ? i thought you said we would spend the night together. » you said, disappointed.
« - i know hun but i have to go. don't be so clingy. » he said before opening and slamming the door behind him.

you heard him start the car and go. you stood there, not believing that he just left, just like that. you looked ridiculous alone next to the dishes. all of this seemed fake, it was ... weird.
billy always did this kind of things, promise he would spend time with you then leave at the first occasion, for work, for parties, for driving alone when he needed to think.

you went to the living room, slowly, and plopped on the couch. you felt sad, you just wanted to watch tv and forget about it. you looked at all of the films you rented at the video club and chose Survivor.

looking at the movie, you felt a tear run down your cheek. you felt alone, so alone. why would you feel guilty about eddie when billy doesn't pay attention to you most of the time ?
you turned off the television and went to the bedroom, feeling the urge to express your feelings. and what better way than take your guitar and sing something ?

it's been a while since you haven't sang but you really felt like it would help you. the bedroom was really hot, so you opened a little bit your window and plopped on your bed to play.

everything you felt about billy and how your life was going right now popped in your head and you started singing some random lyrics you made up.

« - I don't wanna talk right now
I just wanna watch TV
I'll stay in the tub and drown
So I don't have to watch you leave

I put on Survivor just to watch somebody suffer
Maybe I should get some sleep
Sinking in the sofa while they all betray each other
What's the point of anything?

All of my friends are missing again
That's what happens when you fall in love
You don't have the time, you leave them all behind
You tell yourself it's fine, you're just in love

Don't know where you are right now
Did you see me all teary ?
I'll try not to starve myself
Just because you're mad at me

And I'll be in denial for at least a little while
What about the plans we made?

Now all of my friends are missing again
'Cause that's what happens when you fall in love
You don't have the time, you leave them all behind
And you tell yourself it's fine, you're just in love

And I don't get along with anyone
Maybe I'm the problem
Maybe I, maybe I, maybe I'm the problem
Baby, I, baby, I, baby, I'm the problem »

you sighted. did it help ? kinda. do you feel better ? not really.

« - amazing. » you heard a voice from your window.

you gasped and saw eddie's face there. he was looking at you with a sad look, like he really understood how you felt.

« - eddie you scared the shit out of me. » you said standing up and walking towards him.
« - can i hop in ? » he asked

you nodded and opened up more the window for him to roll into your room. he stood up and got closer to you.

« - y/n, can i tell you something ? » he asked concerned
« - yeah of course. »
« - your boyfriend is a total dickhead, you know that right ? » he giggled.

you smiled and slapped his arm. he replied with an « awch » and smiled at you.

« - don't say that about him. » you said in a serious tone.
« - you literally just sang about how shitty he was. »
« - it's not about him, it's about ... me. i think i'm the problem, maybe i'm not enough. » you said getting teary again, fearing it to be true.

eddie wrapped his arms around you and hugged you tightly. you closed your eyes and let yourself cry out your pain. it felt nice to be able to break down, and eddie really comforted you. his presence reassured you.
his hug was warm, and you could scent his perfume and a little bit of pot. but it was him, he was the one you needed right now.

« - don't ever say that again. you're way more than enough for anyone, and if he's not able to see it than i maintain HE'S A DICKHEAD. anyone would be blessed to have you by their side y/n, i promise. » he said making you smile.

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