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you were at the grocery store with max, while eddie was still at home, playing guitar.
he was sitting in the living room, practicing the new song he wrote for you.

he finished playing and smiled to himself.
« - yep, that'll do. » he chuckled.

suddenly, the phone rang in the living room. he smiled, thinking it was you from the grocery store needing something. but when he picked up, his smile fade away.

« - y/n ? » billy's voice said through the phone.

eddie needed seconds to realize he was on the phone with billy.

« - billy ? » he asked not believing it was true.
« - oh, munson. yeah i assume you also live here now. » he said with a point of bitterness in his voice.
« - yeah i do. where were you ? are you hurt ? » eddie asked
« - is y/n here ? » he asked avoiding eddie's questions.
« - why ? to make her cry again ? » replied curtly eddie
« - what do you mean ? »
« - you've never called. or written to her, or to max. do you know how much anxiety she got since you left ? she smokes at least a whole pack of cigarettes a day. she listens to the radio everyday praying to not hear your name as a dead man. she used to have nightmares about you every night.» eddie accused him.

billy stayed silent for a bit. realizing he maybe hurt you more, when he only tried to let you go. he wasn't thinking of that, he thought you would let him go and move on. but maybe it was harder for you.

« - listen i ... i didn't mean to hurt her even more. i just thought it would be better that way. »
« - write to her, at least to let her know you're fine. » eddie sighed.
« - i was calling to tell her that i am. »
« - and she would've wait for you to call everyday after. »

things were so complicated for both of them. they both wanted you to be the happiest possible, but things were getting out of control.

« - you still love her, don't you ? » eddie asked billy.
« - more than anything. » billy replied.
« - then, don't call anymore. let her move on. we're happy now. just write, and tell her you're fine once a month at least. » eddie said.
« - take care of her for me, munson. i'm warning you, i have a machine gun now. » billy joked.

eddie chuckled and sighed.

« - i promise. »
they stayed silent for a few more seconds.
« - be careful. stay safe man. » eddie said.
« - i would never do that to her. » billy said before hanging up.

eddie put the phone back on the wall. billy was safe. should he tell you or not ?
at this very moment, he heard the keys in the door.

« - babe could you please help us ? » you said struggling with the bags just like max.
he smiled and helped you before you all three stories the groceries.
you then sighed in relieve and sat on the couch while max grabbed a teen magazine, sitting in a seat in front of you. eddie walked slowly towards you both and sat next to you.

« - i have something to tell you guys. » he said in serious tone.

you turned your head to look at him and max looked up from her magazine.

« - i ... » he started. you frowned. he looked like he was hesitating.
« - i love you both. » he finally said, smiling.

you groaned and smacked his arm while he laughed. max rolled her eyes before chuckling.

« - you dumbass ! you scared the shit out of me. »
« - y/n language for god's sake. » eddie joked.

you were then getting ready for the concert. this time, eddie insisted on the fact that he had to do a new song alone on stage at the end of it.
you dressed up. you put on a black mini dress with a belt and one of eddie's leather jackets.

you put on some black boots and max knocked on your bedroom door, while Eddie was in the bathroom taking a shower. you looked up and saw her open a little bit the door.

"- come in." you said softly

she smiled and walked towards you, sitting on the bed next to you. she looked a little bit upset. you frowned and grabbed her hand.

"- is everything okay ?" you asked
"- I miss him so much y/n. I regret all of the fights we had when he was still home ..." she said and you wrapped your arm around her shoulders to hug her.
"- I know max, I miss him too. but I promise you, even with all of the fights you both had, he had always loved you. and he knows you love him too." you said
"- what if ... he never comes back ?" you felt your heart breaking hearing these words.
"- he will, ok ? maybe not now, but I'm sure he'll come back for you." you said giving her the best smile you could. she sighed and hugged you tight.

you really loved max, she was just like a little sister to you now. she was very special, and she reminded you so much of how you were feeling when your parents were still here. you wondered if you would be this damaged today if someone had took care of you like you did with max.

after everything was ready for the concert you all three hopped in Eddie's van. you were dropping off max at her best friend El's house, Hopper's daughter. when Eddie stopped in front of the little cabin, max got ready to get out of the car when you stopped her.

"- max ?"
"- yeah ?"
"- I love you very much. and I'll always be here for you, okay ? just call the Hideaway if you need anything. stay safe." you said and Eddie rested his hand on your thigh.
"- I love you too y/n and I promise. thank you." she said smiling before getting down.

you then started to drive away and Eddie looked at you. you frowned and smiled, not understanding why.

"- what ?" you asked giggling.
"- you will be the greatest mother ever, y/n." he sincerely said. you smiled and stroked his cheek while he started to look at the road again.
"- I don't know ed... I never really had a mother to take care of me, I wouldn't know what to do."
« - doesn't matter, because I'll help where you'll be lost." he said and you blushed.

did Eddie just suggest that he wanted a baby with you ? no, way too early. but... what if ?

you didn't have time left to think about it that you were already parking in the front of the Hideaway.

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