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you knocked three times on the door of this trailer, hearing Metallica playing inside.

« - shit... ONE SECOND ! » you heard from inside. it was him, eddie.

you heard the lock opening and the door open. he appeared in front of you. and it was like you've never saw him since you were sixteen. his hair grew a lot, his face matured and he was taller, way taller. but his eyes didn't change a bit. the sparkles in them neither.

« - y/n ? » he asked so softly he almost whispered.
« - eddie... can i come in ? »

he nodded and let you in, running to stop the music blasting. it smelled like weed, cigarettes and cologne. it was a mess, but it didn't change since two long years.

« - what brings you here ? oh, drugs i suppose. » he said sarcastically.
« - actually yeah ... we need some weed for the party tonight. » you replied a little bit embarrassed.

he nodded slowly, like he was a little bit disappointed but not surprised. he grabbed a metallic lunchbox and sat a his table. you sat across from him and he opened it.

« - you know ... i'm sorry for what happened two years ago. i've never really had the chance to say it... » you finally said.

he looked at you for a second before handing you a pack of weed, looking totally none interested in what you were saying.

« - 20$ for 5 grams. that's the best i can do. »
« - did you hear what i said ? » you asked, not sure how to interpret what he replied.
« - yup, i did. but what do you want me to say y/n ? we were friends, i sticked with you, for two years, and when robin came back you totally ignored me. you ... you forgot about me. so i had to move on and forget you too. »

hearing these words broke a little bit of your heart. you didn't know why it hurt you like that. maybe because you realized how much of a bitch you've been to him ? or maybe because you really missed him and hoped you could have a great talk like before ? you didn't know. but you really wanted him to forgive you.

« - but to be honest, i'm not much of a rancorous guy. and i knew you would come back when you understood how big of loss i was. » he said, smiling like nothing happened.

you smiled in return and tilted your head to the side while he laughed.
« - don't be too cocky munson, i bet i still beat your ass in every single thing you do. » you mocked him.

you took the weed and he gave you the change. you then chatted a little bit about how life was going, and you asked him if he still played.

« - still do, still do. i'm way better than before, actually. »
« - no way. play me something ! »
« - nah, it's time for you to leave y/n. »
« - come on ! you used to play songs to me anytime i asked. »

he sighed loudly while shaking his head, defeated. you smiled instantly and clapped your hands quickly with joy sparkling in your eyes. you loved listening to eddie playing, and especially when he sang. you used to sing along to his songs together.

you two stood up and went to his bedroom, where you sat on his bed like you used to.
his bedroom felt familiar and you smiled while looking at him, he was searching for something.

his bed wasn't made, his scent all around you. there were some clothes on the floor, cigs next to an ashtray, empty beer cans in the trash. and there it was, his guitar, hanging on the wall.

« - what are you looking for ? » you asked
« - something to smoke m'lady. » he replied his head in his closet.

he then took out a blunt and a lighter. he handed them to you and you smiled, while he took his guitar and sat next to you. you two started smoking, and he put the blunt in the ashtray.

« - what should i play for you, princess ? »
« - what about ... our song ? do you remember it ? »

of course he remembered it. he used to play it so often that it was printed in his brain. but you thought about the moment you both wrote it, next to lover's lake.

he coughed a little bit to adjust his voice and started playing. his fingers moving on the cords slowly, the melody taking you back to the past.

eddie started singing slowly the lyrics of the song, and you started singing shyly with him. it's been a very long time since you haven't sing anything.

You were alone, left out in the cold
Clinging to the ruin of your broken home
Too lost and hurting to carry your load
We all need someone to hold

You've been fighting the memory, all on your own
Nothing worsens, nothing grows
I know how it feels being by yourself in the rain
We all need someone to stay
We all need someone to stay

Hear the fallen and lonely, cry out
Will you fix me up? Will you show me hope?
At the end of the day you were helpless
Can you keep me close? Can you love me most?

after the last note, he smiled at you and you smiled back. it felt good to see him again, to share this.

you could feel how much he missed you, and how much you missed him. eddie has always been good to you, he always did everything he could to make you feel better, to make you smile whenever times were rough. you never really thought about it, but you did have a crush on him when you were younger.

and looking at him, right now, makes you shiver. but you loved billy right ? billy was your boyfriend, he was also very good to you even though it was complicated sometimes.

you shut your eyes and sighted loudly. when you opened them again, eddie was looking at you in confusion.

« - are you okay? » he asked softly
« - yeah... yeah i'm fine, i just think i must go. »

he seemed disappointed but didn't say anything and just nodded. you didn't want to leave, but you had to. you had to go home and think about everything, calmly, alone.

« - okay then, wait here a minute, i have something for you. » he said standing up and running to the living room.

you also stood up and started wandering around his room, looking at his records, pictures, books and drawings. when your eyes caught something with your name on it.
you took it from a box, it was a mixtape with « for y/n » written on it with a sharpie, that seemed to be old.

curious of what it could be, you started looking at the box and heard him coming back.
you quickly put back the box but kept the mixtape, and hid it in your pocket.

« - this is for you. » he said handing you a bracelet.

you took it in your hand and smiled brightly seeing what it was. your bracelet, the one you had when you were very small and never took off. but one morning you woke up, and realized it wasn't on your wrist anymore. you were very sad, because it meant a lot to you.

« - eddie ! where did you find it ? » you asked
« - i found it next to the place we met, a couple days ago. i know it's not in very good condition but i recognized it instantly... i just didn't know how to give it to you. »

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