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you were running faster than you've ever did. the army's bus was leaving in ten minutes, with billy inside. Eddie couldn't go further with the van, he was waiting for you at the entrance of the base. 

you finally arrived in front of the bus, breathing again. every soldier was hugging or kissing their girlfriends or brides. you were looking everywhere, he wasn't here. 

"- excuse me, I'm looking for Billy Hargrove." you said out of breath at one of the officers.

"- right there, ma'am." he said pointing behind you. 

you turned around and saw his blue eyes staring at you. he was dressed in a uniform, a backpack on one of his shoulders. you walked towards him, slowly. he let go of his bag, and walked towards you. you smiled, feeling a tear run on your cheek. 

you finally came face to face and looked at each other for two seconds, before crawling onto each other in a very deep hug. his scent, his warmth, him. billy. 

"- I thought you already left." you said, relieved.

"- and I thought I would never see you again.

you opened your eyes, waking up, out of breath. you were in Eddie's arms. he was stroking your hair gently. you looked up and he kissed your forehead.

"- a nightmare ? again ?" he asked softly.

"- no, it was a dream. a real pretty one." you said hugging him tighter. 

"- wanna tell me about it ?

"- i ... i was able to say goodbye to him." you sighed.

he also sighed and he looked deep into your eyes. you suddenly felt bad. you were in Eddie's arms, he has always been here for you. you knew he was in love with you. and you couldn't stop thinking about billy, and how much you were missing him. but you loved Eddie too, you were feeling good in his arms.

"- I'm sorry Eddie." you said.

"- why ?" he chuckled.

"- all of this ... it isn't fair for you." you replied.

"- hey, it's okay. you need time. and I'm here to be whatever you need right now, a friend, a shoulder to cry on or ... more than that."

"- you've always been more than that." you whispered and leaned in to kiss his lips gently.

"- I love you." he whispered and you closed your eyes again to go back to sleep.

it's been two weeks since billy left. Eddie was practically leaving with you. you were still going to school but you also started to sing at the Hideaway with Corroded Coffin every Tuesdays and every Fridays to get some money.

you missed billy a lot, it was very hard for you to start to live again after he left. and you knew what you had to do. max was also leaving with you, while Susan couldn't afford loosing Neil even though you had tried to talk to her so many times. Max was the only one who could understand your pain, and you two would everyday listen to the radio in loop to be sure not to hear billy's name as one of the soldiers who died in war. 

you haven't heard from him, neither did max. not a letter, not a call, nothing. you were so worried you started to have panic attacks. but Eddie was here, taking care of you. but weeks after weeks, you slowly got better. 

you had started to smile again, to go out, see your friends. but also, now, you were in a true relationship with Eddie. 

"- what about a pizza and movie night ? max it's your turn to pick." Eddie said and max agreed, running over to the different movie you had rent.

you were in Eddie's arms, like always, both sitting on the couch. it was Saturday, and you would spend time with max before heading to a party at Steve's. Max finally picked Dirty Dancing, and you cheered while Eddie sighted. you ordered some pizza and there you were, the three of you eating in front of one of your favorite movies. 

but what you didn't know was that far away from Hawkins, in Iran, a very devoted soldier was finally catching some rest after fighting for his country. 

Billy was sitting on his very small bed, across from his new friend Jake. they were both debating about how things were coming up and then they started talking about their lives before engaging in the army.

"- What about you ? did you have chick ? I mean, how many did you have back there heartbreaker ?" asked Jake chuckling. 

"- screw you. there was this girl, in Hawkins. she was my everything. we were living together, it was magical. I loved her more than I ever loved anyone man." billy said getting lost in his memories.

"- ooh, what happened ? why don't you call her ? you never call or write to anyone."

"- cause she's better without me. I did some horrible things. but she always forgave me. I knew I couldn't stay away from her even if I knew I wasn't good for her. so I left her with another man who loves her and treats her way better than I could do." billy said lying down on his bed, feeling all the love he still has for you overwhelming him.

"- what's her name ?" Jake asked, frowning. 

"- y/n. y/n y/f/n." he sighed. 

Jake took out a flash of whiskey out of his things.

"- to y/n then." he said smiling, taking a gulp and handed it to billy.

billy smiled but declined.

"- I don't drink. not anymore." he simply said. 

Meanwhile, the movie ended on the little screen of your living room. max took out the VHS and put it back in his box. you looked at your watch, it was time. Eddie went to get the radio, and max sat back next to you on the couch. Eddie sat across from you both, resting the radio on the little table in front of you. Max held your hand tightly, and you were both silently praying. 

"- ... and now, in memory of all the faithful fighters of our country who perished in battle, here are the names we will never forget. Joshua Gates, dead in Iran. Luke Mitchell, dead in Iran..." 

the names went on, and on. you were listening carefully to every single one of them. no other sound floated in the house apart from the radio.

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