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you were lying in eddie's arms, fully naked. you two had the best sex ever but you couldn't stop torturing your mind.
eddie was really perfect towards you, so why were you still fully in love with billy and wanted him too ?

eddie's fingers were caressing gently your hair, and you could hear his heart beating inside his chest. it felt good, and relaxing. you never had the chance to cuddle more than two minutes with billy after sex.

« - Eddie ? » you asked softly.
« - hm ? »
« - why did you fall in love with me ? »

he chuckled slightly and you lift your head up to look at him. his eyes were glistening, and you felt a warm sensation wrap your heart.

« - because i was made for it. i was made to love you. »
« - i don't get it, i've ignored you for so long, i fell for another guy that you hate... »
« - listen, y/n, i don't care. you could shoot me with a gun, i will always choose you over anyone else. i can't even explain it, it just seems ... obvious. »

you sighed and straightened up, covering yourself with the duvet. you stood up and went to grab your cigs and lit one, opening the window.
you felt the tears filling your eyes. you were a monster.
you heard eddie stand up and he cupped your cheeks to stare into your eyes.

« - hey, why are you crying ? » he asked very softly, a saddened expression on his face.
« - i'm not. » you replied, your shaky voice denouncing you.
« - what did i do ? »
« - nothing... it's just ... » you started while wiping the tears away « - i feel so guilty, like we share so many amazing moments and you make me feel like no one ever did but ... billy is still in my mind. »
« - y/n it's okay, you just got out of a relationship, it's normal for you to struggle a little bit to forget and move on. »
« - but you don't understand, when you're not here i miss you, but i also miss billy. » you said and he wrapped his arms around you.
« - i'll wait for you. as long as it takes for you to move on. i'll be here i promise. » he whispered in your ear.

but what if you didn't want to move on from billy ?

you were waiting for robin in the hallways, looking at yourself in the little mirror you had in your locker. today was picture's day, for the school album.

« - y/n ! i'm sorry i'm late » she said tilting her head to the side.
« - it's okay, let's go. »

you two got in the line and saw everyone getting their pictures taken. Jonathan was the photographer and smiled at you when you stood up in front of the camera.

« - okay hold your notebooks in your arms just like that, and give me a big smile at 3. 1, 2... 3 ! » the flash blinded you for a second.
robin took your place and after he took her pic, Jonathan made you a sign to join her.

she wrapped her arms around your shoulders and he took a picture of you both with a polaroid. he gave the picture to you and you waited to see your reflection appear on the little white square.

« - we look cute. » said robin and you hugged her.
« - i'll pin it on my wall. »

jonathan took the pics of the rest of the students than came back to you. he smiled and offered you his hand.

« - let me take a couple more pictures of you, outside. »
« - why not ! »

you went with him and he made you stand in front of high school, and took some photos. he then handed you the polaroids and you thanked him.
you looked at it, and for the very first time, you found yourself pretty on a picture. you wanted to thank him again but he was gone, and you couldn't see him around.

« - thank you. » said a voice grabbing one of the pics from your hands and you gasped.
« - eddie ! give it back ! »
« - nope, that's mine now. » he chuckled and hid it in his pocket.

you crossed your arms and sighed. he was so childish sometimes, but you found that cute.

« - Corroded Coffin meets in garett's garage tonight, want me to pick you up ? » he added, leaning back on the tree behind him.
« - i have to hang out with steve tonight, i'm sorry... but i'll join you if i can ! » you said

he smiled and waved to you before walking away. you then looked at your watch. you didn't feel like going to chemistry so you went towards the woods.
you sat in the grass against a tree and started rolling a joint when you heard some noise.

people were coming towards where you were sitting, you heard their steps coming near. they stopped at the little wooden table.
you stood up discreetly and looked behind the tree to see eddie and jeff sitting there.

« - so is she coming tonight ? » asked jeff and eddie sighed.
« - i don't know man. she told me she had to hang out with steve. »
« - i don't quite understand what's between the two of you, isn't she dating billy ? »
« - well it's not that clear for me neither, i just know they're kind of in a break. but she has something for me, i can feel it when we're around each other. »

your heart melted. he could feel it too. his expression was sad, and you could see how much he wanted to be with you. he got the picture of you out of his pocket and stared at it, his leg shaking underneath the table.

« - you know she's going to break your heart, don't you ? » asked jeff and eddie didn't quit your picture with his eyes.
« - i know man, she's going to be the death of me someday. but i'll wait. » he said.

you sat back in the grass. he was waiting for you. your heart was pounding in your chest. what were you supposed to do now ? what if he learns you had sex with billy yesterday ?

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