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you felt your eyes burning, tears were forming in the corners of your eyes. this song ... eddie wrote for you ? when ? his voice sounded younger... did he also have a crush on you when you were kids ?

the song touched you, you were feeling soft and a little bit nostalgic. but you were out of your daydream sooner than expected.

« - babe have you seen my belt ? » billy asked, standing in the front of the room towards you, only wearing his jeans.
« - which one ? » you asked trying to cover your shaky voice.
« - the black one »

you stood up, discretely sighted to get all these emotions out of your head, and went ahead to the room. you got on your knees and grabbed it underneath the bed. you smiled at him and handed him his belt.

« - thank you sweetheart. are you ready ? » he smirked.
« - yeah, waiting for you. » you said simply.

he lit a cig and started doing his hair in front of the mirror while you were sitting on the bed, looking at him.
Detroit Rock City by Kiss was playing and he was nodding his head with the song from time to time. he put on his belt and black button up open in the front for your biggest pleasure.

he inhaled the smoke looking at you, smirking. you couldn't help but smile back. how did you pull his ass ? he's literally the hottest man in Hawkins.

« - let's go. » he said while turning off the stereo.

you hopped off the bed and grabbed your handbag and the weed. billy put all of the beers he bought in the trunk and sat in the driver's seat. you did the same and here you were, next to billy, on your way to Steve's.

« - what were you listening to ? » billy asked while resting his arm behind your seat to start the car.
« - when ? » you asked, fully knowing what he meant.
« - i saw you with your walkman, you seemed emotional. »
« - oh no, it was just a mixtape from my sister that i found. i totally forgot about it. » you lied, trying your best not to sound anxious.
« - 'right. » he sighted.

billy was already driving faster than he should, he had already drunk some beers at home and you were praying for him to show some kind of restraint when you'll arrive there. but you knew it was already an illusion.

you couldn't tell billy about eddie, or what was on this mixtape. he would literally explode and kill eddie right away. he was very possessive of you, and didn't accept any insistant stare on you or any guy hitting on his girlfriend, it drove him mad.

even though you didn't do anything wrong with eddie, you couldn't help but feel guilty. if you didn't do anything you shouldn't have, then why are you scared to tell billy ? because he would overreact and you'll fight again, and you hated that.

« - seems like everyone is already having fun. » your boyfriend said while parking the car, next to the garden where people were dancing and drinking.

you both got out of his Camaro, and went in, his arm around your shoulders. everyone kind of popular was there, literally all of high school. and there were people less popular, which your preferred.

billy went to see his boys and grab some drinks, again. you rolled your eyes and went to seat down on a couch. you were looking at everyone having fun, and you felt uncomfortable.
you decided to stand up and go get a drink. billy was still standing near the table where everything was set on, talking to his friends, laughing. you approached and one of the guys almost fell, his drink spilling on your top.
you gasped and the guy directly apologized to you when you looked up to see billy's death stare towards him.
« - want me to teach you how to see straight, Donovan ? i'll arrange those eyes. » billy said getting closer with a threatening look.
« - billy it's okay, he didn't do it on purpose. » you tried to calm him down, resting your hands on his chest, standing in the middle of them.

MEMORIES (billy/eddie)Where stories live. Discover now