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you opened your eyes smoothly, woken up by the sun shining in the room. you turned your head to see Eddie's face asleep next to you. he had his arms wrapped around you. you smiled softly, while looking at his angel's features. you looked all around the room, waking up slowly. and all of yesterday's thoughts popped up in your head. billy, the fight, the words...

you felt your heart sting, and you sighted while trying to escape slowly Eddie's arms without waking him up. but he wrapped them even more tightly around you.

"- you're not going anywhere, let's oversleep." he said in a sleepy cracky voice.

you giggled and hugged him back, enjoying the feeling of his warm chest against your cheek. he rubbed your back gently while you listened to his heart.

"- did you sleep well ?" he asked, noticeably not sleepy anymore.

"- yeah, very well. didn't I move too much ?" you asked

"- not a bit, you didn't leave my arms for a minute." he smirked.

you smiled and straightened up in the bed. Eddie just remained lying there, folding his arms under his head. you noticed he wasn't wearing a shirt anymore, he should've been hot during the night.

you stood up and put your hair up in a badly done bun, leaving some strands of hair falling around your face. Eddie was looking at you, his eyes wandering around all of you. you winked at him and opened the door to go grab some water when you came face to face with Wayne.

he was sitting at the table, smoking a cigarette next to a cup of coffee. he smirked at you and you blushed. you heard Eddie coming towards you and he stopped right behind you, seeing Wayne. how awkward is this ?

"- well hey y/n, s'been a while huh ?" Wayne said

you felt extremely embarrassed, and you felt Eddie's hand rest on your hip. Wayne looked at it and giggled before standing up.

"- I simply hope y'all stayed safe during your sleepover last night." he said making you gasp.

"- No no no ! that's not- we're just friends Wayne, really." you said laughing while rubbing your arm out of stress.

Eddie laughed behind you and Wayne shook his head before leaving the trailer, swearing that he didn't understand anything to young people. Eddie sat on a chair and lit a cigarette. you looked at him, in the sun light, smoking while looking at the window. you sat across from him and poured you both some coffee. you started talking while drinking, a great mood floating above your heads.

you finally got dressed and walked out the door. Eddie stood in the door frame before saying goodbye.

"- make sure to call me if anything happens, you're always welcome here." he said gently

"- thank you, so much. can't wait to hang out with you again, looser." you said while walking away.

you walked home, replaying last night in your head, and thinking about how you and billy will end this situation. what if it was the end ? you couldn't consider it. you loved him, endlessly, but you couldn't afford a relationship where you were scared of your partner. billy was generally sweet, and good to you. but when he got mad, he transformed, completely.

you arrived in front of the house, but nothing. his car wasn't parked in front of it. you frowned, where could he be ? he didn't work today. you got out the keys and opened the door, but there wasn't any sign of billy inside. almost everything in the living room was ruined, in the kitchen also. you sighted bending down and picking up a picture frame of you and billy. you removed the broken glass and took out the picture of the frame. it was during summer, you were camping next to lover's lake. you were with carol and Tommy, they took a picture of you both kissing.

you cracked a sad smile, and put it on the counter. you started to tidy up, cleaning up his mess, when the phone rang. you went to pick up, it was robin.

" - y/n ! oh my god, I can finally reach you ! how are you ? are you okay ? where are you ?!" she asked worried.

"- shit robin, im great what the hell ? I didn't sleep at home, I just got here. did something happen ?" you said getting anxious.

"- it's billy."

you were running through the hospital hallways, out of breath, fear kicking in. you couldn't believe it. you felt guilty, how could you let him go after your fight ? while you were sleeping in Eddie's arms, billy was fighting death.

you finally arrived to the reception. the lady was on the phone, and looked up at you. she hang up and handed you a pen.

"- who are you here for ?"

"- hargrove, billy hargrove." you said out of breath

"- hm. are you family ?" she asked

"- no, im his girlfriend. we live together." you explained.

she gave you his room number and you rushed to the elevator, still feeling your heart pounding in your chest. what if he didn't make it ? you felt like the most horrible human on earth.

you arrived at the third floor and went to the room. you knocked, but no one answered. you opened the door slowly, and closed it behind you. you covered your mouth with your hands immediately when you saw him, and started sobbing hard.

he was there, in this hospital bed. covered in wires and bandages. he was asleep, and his heartbeat was being retransmitted by this machine who let you know he was alive.

you approached the bed slowly, and sat next to him. you took his hand in yours, and you saw your tears falling on the light blue covers.

"- I'm sorry billy, i'm so so sorry. I should've never let you leave like that ..." you said between sobs.

someone opened the door, and you saw Max, his little sister. she seemed sad, but reassured to see you. she had a teddy bear and a card in her hands. she walked towards you and rested her gifts on billy's nightstand. she gave you a hug, and handed you a tissue. you thanked her and she sat next to you.

"- what happened ?" you asked, still in shock.

"- yesterday he passed by after work, and he had like this huge fight with Neil. I don't know why, I just heard them shouting at each other. when he left, I felt like something wasn't going right. he was drunk ... and it seems like he took his car later on that night, and he didn't see the car coming in front of him ... he was going too fast ... he just had the time to get out of it before fainting next to it, on the road..." max explained, starting to tear up.

you knew they didn't have very good exchanges as a step brother and a step sister, but you knew billy cared about her. and max did care about him too. they just weren't good at showing affection.

"- he could've died, this isn't fair ... if I stopped him from leaving our house he maybe wouldn't have had this accident ..." she said and you stopped her by grabbing her hand.

"- don't say that max, it isn't your fault. nobody could've predicted that. and he'll be okay, I promise. he's stronger than that." you said.

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