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you knocked on Steve's door and he opened up to you, smiling gently.

« - y/n ! come on in, everyone's here already. » he said
« - everyone ? » you asked, thinking it would only be robin, steve and yourself.
« - yeah, rob, carol, tommy, billy and heather. » he said scratching the back of his neck saying the last two names.

you looked at him not believing what he just said. what on earth could be worse than this ? you thought about running away but it was dark outside and you were already here.

« - jesus, steve. seriously ? » you pouted and he ran his hand through his vigorous hair.
« - yeah i know it kinda sucks but tommy didn't warn me and i couldn't just say no. »
« - yes you could have. fuck. where's robin ? » you asked.
« - in the living room i guess. » he said and you walked over to your bestfriend.

you sat next to her in the couch while every other guest was in the garden, sitting on long chairs drinking beers and smoking cigarettes.
you didn't want to look outside, you didn't want to see billy with heather.

« - hey, are you alright ? » robin asked while grabbing your hand
« - yeah. i'm great. you know what ? i'm extatic. » you said ironically and she rubbed the back of your hand.
« - you know we can leave if you don't feel comfortable. » she offered but you declined.
« - no, it's okay. i'll just make a call, ill be right back. »

you ran towards steve who was about to go outside with some more beers and grabbed his arm to make him look at you.

« - where's the telephone ? can i invite someone ? »
« - of course, don't worry. it's in my room, upstairs. »

you thanked him and went up the stairs. you opened a few doors before finding his bedroom and you sat on his bed. you dialed eddie's phone number.

« - Wayne Munson here. » you recognized wayne's voice.
« - hi wayne, it's y/n. is eddie home ? »
« - yeah i'll go get him, don't hang up. EDDIE ! »

you waited a few seconds before hearing the telephone being passed to someone.

« - hello ? »
« - hey ! » you replied with a smile hearing his voice.
« - oh sweetheart, you're already done ? want me to come get you ? »
« - not really, actually would you mind coming here ? » you asked, praying he would accept.
« - why ? is everything okay ? » he asked concerned
« - yeah i'm fine, i just ... i would feel less lonely if you came here. » you said and you heard him sigh.
« - well... corroded coffin can wait until tomorrow. i'll be there in ten. » he hung up and you smiled.

you looked up and saw billy standing in the door frame, the door being half open. he was smirking and you rolled your eyes.

« - calling your prince charming to rescue you ? so sweet. » he said in a mocking tone.
« - are you spying on me now ? » you asked before standing up.

you tried to go through the door but he wouldn't let you. you could smell his perfume, and the scent of his shampoo from where you were. he was wearing the bloody red button up, your favorite.

« - let me go, asshole. » you tried to push him but he wouldn't move.
« - screw you. » he said in a smirk

you crossed your arms and death stared him before he laughed at you.

« - are you upset ? come on, smile for me. » he said getting closer to you.
« - stop. » you commanded feeling your heartbeat fasten while his face was moving towards you.
« - or what ? » he said in your ear before kissing your neck. 

you took all of your strength to push him off of you and ran downstairs. your breath was fast and your heart was pounding in your chest. fuck.
you found robin who was about to go outside with the others.

« - wow, have you seen a ghost or something ? » she asked mocking your pale face.
« - yeah, your grandma's one. let's grab some alcohol before eddie arrives. » you said pushing her towards the door.
« - because eddie's coming ? » she asked and you nodded.

you joined the rest of the people outside around the pool and robin sat on a chair while you sat next to harrington on a long chair. he handed you a cigarette and you also took a beer.
carol and tommy were sitting in each others arms in another long chair while heather was sitting on the floor, her feet in the pool. doll-faced whore.

she was wearing a red top that showed perfectly her nice shoulders and a white skirt. she was pretty. you took a long hit on your cigarette when you heard someone else entering the garden.

billy appeared in front of you and heather held her hand up for him to sit next to her but he ignored it and sat in a chair. you laughed inside.
harrington put on some music and you all started to talk while Tarzan Boy by Baltimora was playing.

« - so, are you all coming to the snow ball ? » asked Steve
« - hell yeah ! » screamed carol holding tommy's hand.
« - i don't know yet. » said robin and steve winked at her.

your stare traveled from your bestfriend to billy, trying to analyze his face. heather was also looking at him, but he stared right into your eyes.

« - who are you going with y/n ? » he asked and everyone went silent, leaving only the music to fill the void.

you were about to respond when you got saved by the doorbell. you stood up immediately and ran towards the door, thanking god for this. you opened and saw eddie's face.
he leaned forward and kissed your cheek. you smiled and took his hand.

« - so ? what are we doing now ? » he asked visibly not comfortable being at steve's.
« - we're going to the garden with the others, and we're totally smoking our lungs out. » you said and he chuckled following you.

you went outside and billy's stare stopped on eddie. you could feel his anger boiling inside of him but you didn't care. you didn't have to support heather neither.

« - wow, weed guy. » said tommy and carol chewed on her chewing gum eyeing him up and down.
« - my name's eddie. » he corrected jokingly and you both sat down.
« - want a beer mate ? » asked steve and he nodded.

you could still feel billy's gaze on you both. you decided to provoke him and grabbed eddie's hand.

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