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you woke up alone, at 7. billy wasn't here, he didn't come home last night. where the hell is he ? and why did everything fuck up, like at every single party ? 

you sighed, looking up at the ceiling. you didn't want to go to school today, your headache was killing you and you didn't have any energy. but you knew you had like three tests and an essay due today. you couldn't skip. so you chased this idea of your mind.

you got out of bed, growling. everything seemed so noisy and you were grumpy. you would never drink again. you tried to remember everything that happened last night but your memories were too blurry, you just remembered the fight with billy and the whiskey bottle in the bathroom. and then you got home with Eddie. 

you showered, dressed up and tried to minimize the damages of your hangover with some makeup. you looked at yourself in the mirror. that'll do, even though you look really tired. 

you looked at your watch. you had just enough time to walk to school without being late. you took your bag and didn't lock the door... in case billy would come back. you really hoped he would. 

you started walking, with your walkman. you were listening to Everytime You Go Away by Paul Young, and everything felt weird. why does it always have to be so hard with billy ? why can't things just ... work without you two screaming at each other and him leaving ? you loved him, more than you ever loved anyone, so why was it so hard ? did he love you like you loved him ? 

"- hey y/n, need a ride to school ?" Jonathan said stopping his car next to you. 

you stopped your walkman and smiled at him. you hopped in and he started the car. you were still deep in your thoughts, looking through the window. 

"- is everything okay ? how is this hangover, huh ?" he smiled

"- yeah, I'm great. my head just feels like it's going to explode and every single inch of my body hurts, but I'm great." you joked.

"- what about billy ?" he asked.

you sighed. what could you even answer to that ? you didn't even know where he was, or what was going to happen when he'll come home. maybe you messed up by sleeping with Eddie when billy nearly died but you couldn't predict it ! he told you horrible things, and Eddie was only a friend. was he ? fuck.

"- listen, y/n. we're friends, right ? and a friend must tell you the truth. I feel like billy maybe isn't that good for you." 

you turned your head to look at him and furrowed your eyebrows. what was he saying ?

"- he's brutal, and mean. he's a player, and he always acts like a dick with you. you deserve better than him, way much better."

"- you don't know what you're talking about." you said curtly, annoyed by what he said about your boyfriend.

"- but I know you ! and I can tell you're suffering. everyone can. why can't you just see how bad he is ? he's a total jackass."

"- you're wrong ! and everyone is wrong about him, about us ! y'all just see and notice what you want to, you're not living with us !" you started to raise your voice.

"- you don't notice anything neither y/n ! he cheats on you, fro god's sake !" Jonathan finally spat. 

he braked and took his face in his hands. you just stared at him, not believing what he just said. no, billy would never. he could never do that to you. he loved you, right ?

"- I think I'm gonna walk finally." you just said before getting out of the car and slamming the door. 

Jonathan was screaming for you to come back but you've had enough. screw school, screw tests and screw him. billy could never. you knew it. but your heart felt heavier, why would he cheat ?

you saw Starcourt in front of you and walked towards it. you knew Robin worked there today, she always worked on Thursday's mornings since she didn't have class. you made your way to the Scoops Ahoy and waved to your best friend. she told Steve she took her break and you followed her in the back of the cash register. 

you two ended up in the little break room and she immediately saw something was off. 

"- he didn't come home, did he ?" she said softly

you shook your head no, and she hugged you tightly. 

"- Jonathan said something earlier that really made me go wild and I just needed to talk to you."

"- what did he say ?" she asked curiously, sitting on the table and crossing her arms. 

you sighed and leaned back on the counter behind you.

"- look, you kinda know billy now ? you know he would never cheat on me. well, Jonathan literally gave me a speech telling me how bad billy was for me, and that I was the only one who didn't see he was cheating on me." you told her. 

you looked at her and saw an expression you really didn't like. she was avoiding your gaze and biting her lips. you knew this face, robin's hesitating face. 

"- what ? you know he would never do that, huh ? billy would never cheat on me."

she looked at you in despair, trying to find something to say but nothing came out. you started hyperventilating and feeling all of your hopes fly away. he did it ? and she knew about it ?

"- he did it ? and you didn't even tell me ?" you accused her and she stood up to stop your from your conclusion. 

"- wait, no. I just ... I've been thinking about it. and yesterday, after you left, Vicki was driving me home and we drove past heather holloway's house and ... billy's car was there." she explained.

heather ? billy was at heather's ? did he really cheat on you with her ? you felt anger rushing all over your body. you've cried enough for him. you really tried, you did everything. now, it was time to let go. 

you looked at robin in the eyes and she slightly winced. she leaned back next to you.

"- I'm not assuming anything, I'm just trying to be honest."

"- thank you, robin. I really hope it's not what I'm thinking about."

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