Date A Live - Part 2 (Close Re-encounter)

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Megumi: "Okay, before we start the next episode, I want to tell you that every 3 episodes or so, we will watch another universe, not only this one. And for every 3 episodes, I might possibly give you some time for a break or anything like that. Got it?"

She told them, and all Remnant's people immediately nodded in understanding, which earned a smile of satisfaction and a nod from the white-haired goddess. The theater screen then showed the remaining countdown as it showed another sight when it hit number zero.

A rocket with its landing pad is shown on the screen, and then an image of Ririko quickly showing imposed over the rocket as she with a space suit then looks at the screen and begins to talk.

Ririko: "Listen, Onii-tan. Before I go into space, I need to tell you something."

The on-screen Ririko said, with an embarrassed expression on her face. Reacting to that is a familiar voice to the current audience of the theater room, which is the voice of Jaune Arc's counterpart or Itsuka Jaune, without him actually appearing on the screen.

Jaune: "What is it, Ririko?"

Ririko: "It's about your training to make Spirits fall in love with you. I was supposed to help you, but...."

Ozpin: "This is... curious. From how she talks, I can guess what she would say next. Even though it's a video game character."

Glynda: "Really, sir? I know she is from the training program Mr. Itsuka would do, but I doubt it has some worthy meaning behind it."

Ozpin: "I think it is, Glynda."

James: "What do you mean by that, Ozpin? Could you elaborate on it in detail?"

Qrow: "I think it's best if we watched it more, Jimmy. I also know what will happen next, though."

Winter: "Unfortunately, so I am."

Jaune: "Yeah, what about it?"

Ririko: "Before I knew it, I started seeing you differently."

She admitted with incredibly sparkling, shining eyes, with her voice showing how much effort she was putting into making her confession. Her body squirmed while her cheeks slowly turned red, resembling her hair.

Ririko: "Onii-tan, can you stop seeing me as your sister and start seeing me as a woman?"

The entire theater audience, except for Megumi, was stunned and silent. Their eyes slightly widened; Blake said something in a loud voice, while Jaune has... a complex expression on his face.

Blake: "This... is turning into a difficult situation. Incest... really? Even as a training, why would the programmer use the incest route?"

Yang: "Wow... incest, huh. The Way to preserve the pure bloodline of the family."

Ruby: "Yang! Don't say that! It's disgusting!"

Yang: "Wait for a second. How did you know about that word, Ruby? Who taught you that?"

Ruby: "I am fifteen, not five, Yang! Don't treat me like that!"

Weiss: "She's right, Yang. Moreover, Ruby is Huntress-in-training, so she should learn something like that... supposedly."

Yang: "I know, I know. But, you know... it is kinda complicated."

Weiss: "Only you, or maybe your family members, who made it complicated."

Yang: "Hey, what's that supposed to mean, Weiss?"

Megumi: "Okay, okay. No fighting or starting one, girls."

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