Intermission 2

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When Megumi told the guests of that, they then headed to the place where they could take a break after the long multiverse watching they saw. After the long watch and some minor conflict or drama-which might not be drama-they needed a time like this to calm and refresh their mind. However, instead of going to each room door as before, now they were gathered in the longue, and luckily it had so many seats or chairs of various types.

All of them occupied them, and Qrow, who sat on one of the couches available along with Yang and Ruby on his side, finally let out a heavy sigh of relief.

Qrow: "Whew, damn... it's so long and intense. We already got a break from this."

Yang: "Yeah, it's so tiring even though we're just watching, and now we sat on different seats! It is ironic."

Ruby: "But all of them are amazing, Uncle Qrow, Yang! All those universes are super fantastic! Even though I haven't seen any of my counterparts, it is still awesome!"

Yang: "But it sucks we didn't see any of our counterparts! Because of that, we didn't get our counterpart's power/abilities."

Qrow: "Hey, Firecracker. Don't be too upset about something like that. If you don't get any, just train yourself harder. You can train here, and we didn't limited by time. And after we return, you can also do the same there."

When Qrow told her like that, Yang sighed heavily while being patted on the back by Ruby, who was trying to console her.

Yang: "I guess so, Uncle Qrow."


In another part of the longue, JNPR, with Cardin and Tohka tagged along, could be seen gathered and discussing something while they sat on many coaches. Jaune sat with Tohka, earning some jealous looks from Pyrrha, who sat with Cardin, and the last is Lie and Nora sat together.

Trying to clear his throat, Jaune then began to speak.

Jaune: "Ahem. Alright, I want to talk about something, guys. It is related to the "Bleeding Effect." some people, including me, have."

Lie: "Do you mean precisely about the effect where we could get our counterpart powers/abilities? Is that what you mean, Jaune Arc?"

Jaune: "Yeah, that. And as I said, Lie-control your inner L-Elf. It keeps showing."

Lie: "I can't help it since that was random, but I'll try to...."

Nora: "Lienny, wanna get smacked some sense into you?"

Lie: "Try it, but you can't."

Pyrrha: "Anyway, Jaune-is it okay for you not to be with your family for now? You haven't seen them for long, right?"

Her question made Jaune think for a while before shrug his shoulders off.

Jaune: "It's okay. I will do that after this. Anyway, as I said, because of the "Bleeding Effect," I want to test all the power/abilities I have gotten from my counterparts. And I need you to go along with me too, Naotsugu-sorry, I mean, Cardin."

The blonde pointed at the burnt-orange-haired boy, who pointed at himself with a raised eyebrow before nodding and smiling.

Cardin: "Alright, if that's what you want, Strategist. And you can just call me whatever since my counterpart seems rubbed on to me."

Jaune: "If that's what you want, then okay, Naotsugu."

Suddenly, a hand was raised from Tohka, who wanted to say something with an enthusiastic look and voice.

RWBY Cast React to Multiverse: Anime VersionWhere stories live. Discover now