Intermission 3 - Part 1

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Once again, after another session of watching multiverse, the audience left the theater room and went to the break room. It was also another exhausting yet satisfying moment for them, especially for Nora and Penny, who had already seen their counterpart in the part of some universes.

Nora: "I can't wait to see another of my awesome counterparts! And she is Jauney's boss, too!"

Lie: "It sure is wonderful to see. I also could get a chance to see some of mine. However, I hope to see the one where it was from that Kamen Rider universe, I believe."

Yang: "You two are so lucky to get the chance to see your counterpart where mine hasn't shown up yet!"

Ruby: "Yeah, yeah! What's with this unfair treatment RWBY got?!"

Sun: "Hey, your team always gets good treatment, unlike others, so this is kind of a payback."

Neptune: "Yeah. It's like everyone on Beacon is only talking about the RWBY team. Give some chance to the other team, too!"

Coco: "Yeah, yeah! Even CFVY, the second-year team, didn't get that much attention, unlike RWBY."

Fox: "It's like we're some background characters, and they're the main characters."

While the students argued with each other, mainly towards RWBY, the adult and the non-Huntsman watched them quietly until Glynda responded to Ozpin.

Glynda: "Looks like we shouldn't give that kind of treatment to them just because RWBY is full of prodigy or genius."

Ozpin: "Haven't you forgotten what I've done to them in the second break time, Glynda?"

Glynda: "In the second break? What do you—ah!"

As Glynda remembered what Ozpin told, the man himself nodded and adjusted his glasses before he replied to what Glynda said.

Ozpin: "Because I have already decided to expel the entire RWBY, they won't get the kind of good treatment as before. I'll also do the part so they won't get to another Huntsman Academy if necessary."

Peter: "Is that really needed, Headmaster? I believe that is... a bit far. While it seems they're causing trouble—"

Ozpin: "—a life-threaten trouble to civilian."

Peter: "They're minor, and mistakes will always be expected from them. I also believe they have the right to attend any Huntsman Academy except Beacon."

Bartholomew: "Unfortunately, Peter, I won't agree with your opinion. If it is a small mistake, we can understand. However, if it this...? I unfortunately have to say, that's not a small matter that can be brushed off."

Roman: "Yeah, red and her friends are really causing trouble to people around. I saw some cars that jumped out because of what they did. And I also believe some civilians got hurt because her little friends carelessly fought me in that environment."

Neo: [We demand compensation.]

James: "It's also your fault for doing that, you thief."

Winter: "That's right. They won't do that if you didn't fight the RWBY."

Roman: "Hey, it's their fault attacking me first. Actually, the one who started is that kitty and her monkey friend. If they just mind their own business, things like that won't affect them even though it still happens to others."

Adam: "Or better yet, they should carefully choose where they fight. Maybe luring their opponents so they can fight freely, not holding them back by fighting in a populated area unless the situation won't allow it."

RWBY Cast React to Multiverse: Anime VersionWhere stories live. Discover now