Persona 4 - Part 3 (We are friends, aren't we?)

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The movie screen began with showing the Velvet Room as Igor said his greeting every time the Contractor entered the room.

Igor: "Welcome to the Velvet Room. A Persona's abilities are driven by the power of your heart, which is sated by your bonds with others."

Margaret: "By interacting with someone and forming a new bond, you were able to obtain the Magician Arcana."

Margaret said as a tarot card with Magician Arcana fell before her and went inside the thick book resting on her thighs. Seeing that, the beautiful blonde-haired woman of Velvet Room's attendance opened one of the book pages, showing the scene where Yosuke accepted his shadow and got Persona with Jaune's help.

Margaret: "Your power will grow as your bond deepens. I strongly urge you to take this to heart..."

Igor: "Now then, fare you well until we meet again."

Sun: "Wait, so they want to use the power of friendship to make Jaune strong and grow powerful?"

Neptune: "While it sounds ridiculous, I can't help but say it looks the case, Sun."

Yang: "Meh. It's lame to have something like that. I mean... really?"

Ruby: "Nothing wrong with having a strong friendship and bond, Yang!"

Nora: "Yeah! Wait, that's mean... our friendship and bond would be your power, Jaune-Jaune?!"

Jaune: "I don't know about that, Nora. It seems the requirement to unlock that sort of bond wasn't easy, and it's not like everyone would able to empower me like that through their bonds with me."

Megumi: "That's right. Only a specific person could unlock those to strengthen Jaune's power. It won't do that easily even if you have been friends long. Maybe it's like the people that bring impactful emotions. It is really confusing as I don't know the mechanism behind it."

Ozpin: "I see... so we can't make a guess from it."

James: "That's a bit shame, but we have no choice but to let it by."

The scene change, showing a rainy riverbank in the afternoon and a young Yukiko that sits on the stairs of the riverbank without having an umbrella with her. She hugged a little puppy with a saddened face until a young Chie approached her and said something while holding an umbrella.

Chie: "He's cute! Is he yours?"

Yukiko: "I found him. But my parents said to get rid of him. He's going to be alone again!"

She said with tears and hugging the puppy closer to her. However, Yukiko heard Chie calling her and was surprised to see the tomboy girl making silly faces that made Yukiko laugh.

Chie: "I'm Satonaka Chie."

Yukiko: "I'm Amagi Yukiko."

Chie: "Nice to meet you, Yukiko-chan. And ditto to you, too!"

She said while patting the little puppy's head, and Yukiko smiled happily as Chie showed her big smile to Yukiko, her new friend from today. As the flashback has ended, the scene cuts to where Jaune is in his casual outfit after leaving Yosuke, and now he is sitting with Nanako watching the news on the TV.

"You're a high schooler and run an inn?"

???: "No, I'm filling in for my mother."

As the camera zoomed in, the TV showed Yukiko being interviewed while wearing a kimono.

"You're sizzling in that kimono!"

Yukiko: "Eh? Uh, um..."

"Is it true Yamano-san stayed at your inn before she passed away?"

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