Date A Live - Part 3 (Sword That Splits the Sky)

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Without waiting anytime, the screen was on and showing the face of Tohka plastered against a window, watching a bunch of bread with an immense amount of interest, then showing a bakery with the name 'Sweet Bakery' as well as Tohka's bow twitching like a dog tail wagging excitedly.

Tohka: "Jaune, what are these? What are they? What are they? What are they?!"

After Tohka said that, a transition screen represented by a bunch of bread happened as the screen panned from the sky to the bakery door with Jaune about to leave the store, and he heard the bakery owner's voice say goodbye with a happy tone.

Bakery Owner: "Please come again!"

As Tohka kept looking at the bread inside the bakery with incredible interest, Jaune came out of the bakery with a bag of bread he had just bought and offered one to Tohka, who looked at the offered bread with interest.

Jaune: "Here you go."

He said to Tohka, offering the bread as the purple-haired girl smelled it a little before she was drolling like a little puppy with her drool turned to be like a waterfall with her bow once again wagging like a dog tail when it is in happy. Jaune just looked at Tohka with a sweatdrop.

Yang: "It reminds me of Ruby whenever there are cookies in her sight, especially if that cookie is good."

Ruby: "I didn't behave like that, Yang! I didn't drool!"

Ozpin: "But you behaved like Ms. Yatogami when you devoured the cookies I gave you at our first meeting that day without the waterfall-like drool, though, Ms. Rose."

Ruby: "I can't help it... since I am hungry after fighting Roman and his goons, and the cookies are delicious too!"

Tohka: "I-It'd better not be poisoned."

Jaune: "It's not. Now stop drooling and start eating."

Despite saying that, Tohka stared at Jaune suspiciously but took a big bite of the bread. A new light could be seen inside the girl's eyes as she acted like some magnificent animal, throwing the bread into the air while shouting excitedly.

Tohka: "It's so so good! Is this a date?"

Tohka said while eating the bread she held and enjoying every bite of it, as her bow twitched excitedly when eating the delicious bread while she heard Jaune explain what the bread was and correct her about the date thing.

Jaune: "It's soy flour bread."

He responded with another sweatdrop. And after finishing the whole bread that Tohka ate with incredible ease, she looked at Jaune with confusion evident on her face and leaned towards the blonde boy.

Tohka: "What? It's not a date? Why isn't something this amazing a date?"

Nora: "Why you didn't tell her about the date, Jaune?"

Jaune: "I'm sure it's difficult to explain since... it's a bit sensitive topic since I am just a teenager who has never experienced what a date is, Nora. I am not like Neptune, after all."

Lie: "That is a logical answer, but it's bad if Tohka got some misunderstanding about it. The faster you explain it to her, the better she understands it."

Pyrrha: "I think that's an acceptable answer."

Nora: "Maybe if Tohka could come here, you would have your first date, Jaune-Jaune!"

Suddenly, Ruby and Pyrrha, who heard that somehow didn't like that sound, and Jaune only coughed with some light blush on his cheeks as he was a bit embarrassed when Nora said that with her huge and wide smile. Lie nodded sagely as he was amused and happy for Jaune, hoping it was true.

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