.hack//G.U. Trilogy - Part 3 (Redemption)

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The screen turns on and shows the same scene of many books lying on the ground with the tri-edge mark on the floor and showing Ovan's face close-up while he says something to someone in front of him.

Ovan: "I've made you wait. He will be here soon."

It showed him facing a girl with a white dress and long blue hair as both sat on the floating ground together.

Strangely, Ozpin felt pain yet a warm nostalgic feeling when his eyes saw the girl with the white dress his counterpart spoke off. His hand over his chest and clenching tightly, causing his colleague to notice that.

James: "Ozpin... you, are you feeling the effect...?"

He asked Ozpin with a slight suspicion, and the silver-haired Headmaster nodded in response before a tear fell from his eyes, causing him to be confused.

Ozpin: "T-This... this feeling... who is she to my counterpart...? And why do I... feel this feeling...?"

Glynda: "It... the "Bleeding Effect" affect you that great, and she is maybe... someone so precious to your counterpart, Headmaster...."

Ozpin: "That is understandable... someone precious to my counterpart... it makes my tears won't stop...."

He said, trying to wipe the tears from his eyes while composing and calming himself down before returning to normal. It was strange, yet he didn't hate it. Instead, Ozpin got curious about that and wanted to know more.

Ovan: "Bringing a hundred million beginnings... and a hundred million endings... for a hundred million vengeance. Turning into a hundred million blades, he will come. Isn't it exciting? Right, Aina?"

He said that to the girl in front of him, Aina, and rubbed her cheeks as the girl stayed silent and did nothing with her eyes closed. And suddenly, Ovan recalled one of his memories with Aina in the same place Jaune and Shino were.

Aina: "A goddess?"

Ovan: "That's right. She's the goddess protecting "The World."."

Getting more curious, Aina looked up at Ovan.

Aina: "Why did she disappear?"

Ovan: "Maybe she lost interest."

Aina: "In what?"

Ovan: "This world."

Coco: "Kinda too deep for something about MMO."

Yatsuhashi: "At this point, we can assume that not all MMOs are just for fun. If that universe's main focus is MMO, then I'm sure most of them would have something deep and serious like this."

Fox: "It sounds ridiculous, though."

Yatsuhashi: "As ridiculous as it sounds, the truth is that the MMO is being taken seriously in some universe that couldn't be changed."

Velvet: "Not all serious problem is from dangerous things like Grimm...."

Coco: "Still sounds weird but also interesting."

Fox: "It's definitely something new, and I enjoyed it so far."

Yatsuhashi: "Me as well."

In response to Ovan's answer, Aina tells him what she thought instead.

Aina: "I don't think so."

Hearing that, Ovan looked at Aina as the girl slowly walked forward.

Aina: "I'm sure the goddess is still looking after us. But she couldn't see the whole world from here..."

Ovan: "So she left?"

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