.hack//G.U. Trilogy - Part 2 (Reminisce)

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The screen then lightens up as it shows the new episode's scene. The scene depicting a seagull flying over crossover the sea with the Mac Anu town was far away from there. Then a Gazebo-like place somewhere could be seen with Atoli looking dejected when being shouted at by Jaune earlier.

Atoli: "I'm useless."

Nora: "Jaune-Jaune! Your counterpart really should have to apologize to the poor Atoli!"

Pyrrha: "While it's a bit too much, I can agree. Though, it's Jaune's counterpart, not our world Jaune."

Nora: "I know, Pyr! I know of it. That's what I mean, Jaune."

Jaune: "Well, if it's me, I will, but if it's my counterpart, I can't do anything about it, so we should let him do it alone. Though it would be good if his friend could convince him if they know."

Lie: "Your counterpart looks like someone who doesn't have that many friends, Jaune."

Jaune: "Ouch! That's felt hurt even if it directed to my counterpart, Lie."

Shoko: "We must prevent that since this "Bleeding Whatcamalic" would affect Jaune, guys!"

Nora: "Yeah! We should prepare a huge hammer weighing 100 tons to give Jaune a BAM!"

Tohka: "No! He is my friend, and I don't want to hurt Jaune!"

Shoko: "Yeah, don't do that, Valkyrie-san!"

Nora: "Whoops! I was getting too excited, ehe. But you can just call me Nora, Shoko!"

Tohka: "Yeah! I am Tohka, call me Tohka, Shoko! Be my friend!"

Shoko: "Sure, Nora, Tohka!"

Jaune: "...Glad that I could've avoided that from Nora."

Pyrrha: "She is really too enthusiasm for it which is a little worrying."

Lie: "Maybe we should do something to prevent that in the future."

Jaune: "I agree. We must."

Pyrrha: "Me too."

As Atoli contemplated what she remembered about Jaune earlier, she heard someone's voice saying, "You are Atoli-kun, right?" which caused the green-dressed Healer to widen her eyes slightly and look behind to see Ovan approaching her.

Atoli: "Who are you?"

However, instead of answering her question, Ovan gives her a question.

Ovan: "Are you distressed because of Haseo?"

Atoli: "You know Haseo-san?"

Qrow: "Very typical of you no matter which world or universe you live in, Oz."

Ozpin: "I assure you that I am not, Qrow. I merely want to be frank."

Gilgamesh: "Really? Then why did you hide the things about Salem, Shadow War, Artifacts, God of Light, God of Darkness, and everything?"

Ozpin: "That... is just a precaution. Yes, it is a precaution since walls sometimes, if not often, have eyes and ears everywhere around them. After all, to fool your enemies, you must first fool your friend."

Gilgamesh snorted at that as he didn't believe it even though he knew that Ozpin became too cautious of keeping so many secrets because of his past and the many lives he had through his incarnations through time.

Gilgamesh: "Yeah, but that mongrel is just a small matter and nothing to worry about."

Ozpin: "Small...?"

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