.hack//G.U. Trilogy - Part 1 (Rebirth)

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After the second break, the guests return to the theater and wait for Megumi, who came with another new person at her side instead of only Ophis. It's another girl, a fair-skinned teenage girl with shoulder-length dark-brown hair and one long strand that she keeps combed neatly to the left side of her face and chocolate brown eyes.

 It's another girl, a fair-skinned teenage girl with shoulder-length dark-brown hair and one long strand that she keeps combed neatly to the left side of her face and chocolate brown eyes

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Her name is Onodera Kosaki, and she is one of Megumi's wives. And Neptune whistled, seeing Kosaki, but only got nudged on the side by Sun as the blue-haired boy slightly winced and looked at the monkey faunus with a slight frown but got sharp-glared by Sun.

Neptune: "Dude, what was that for?"

Sun: "Don't do anything stupid, Nep. That girl most likely is Megumi's."

Neptune: "Che... okay, okay. But I can't help staring and want to flirt with her. She is cute."

Sun: "I know, so don't say it again."

While some of the guests were curious about Kosaki, the goddess in charge of the multiverse theater opened her mouth and began to say something to the guests by clapping her hands first to gather their attention shifted at her.

Megumi: "Alright, people. I hope you enjoyed your second break time, and we will continue our multiverses watching."

Ozpin: "Thank you for the longest break, Ms. Megumi, but can I know who the new lady beside you is?"

The silver-haired Beacon Headmaster said politely, mentioning the new girl next to Megumi and Kosaki, who was being mentioned, suddenly surprised and smiling nervously, which caused most guests to seem blinded seeing her smile as Megumi replied to Ozpin.

Megumi: "She is one of my wives, Ozpin. Kosaki, please introduce yourself."

Kosaki's cheeks reddened as she was shy and embarrassed when being mentioned as one of Megumi's wives; nonetheless, she nodded and began introducing herself after she cleared her throat lightly.

Kosaki: "U-Uhm... thank you for coming here and becoming Megu-chan's Multiverse Theater, everyone. I am... one of Megu-chan's wives, and my name is Onodera Kosaki. Nice to meet you."

She introduces herself with a polite bow and tone. They all nod before Megumi takes her turn to say something to them.

Megumi: "Alright. Thanks for the introduction, Kosaki."

Kosaki: "It's okay, Megu-chan. That is nothing."

Megumi: "Right. Okay, everyone. I also bring some new guests to our little theater, so please don't panic or be too surprised."

When she said that, Megumi snapped her finger, and a group of several people, or if not more, suddenly fell from above, and some of them crashed on some people who couldn't help but feel hurt and groan in pain because of that.

Jaune: "Gahk! Not... again..! And why... two...?"

???: "My lord?!"

???: "Jaune?!"

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