Persona 4 - Part 1 (You're myself, I'm yourself)

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After showing three episodes per universe, the movie theater screen went blank. However, before anyone says something, Megumi interferes first as she looks at her audience from Remnant.

Megumi: "Okay, before we start watching another new universe, I will summon someone. No, maybe some people to watch this with us. I'll keep bringing people from your universe here, so don't be too surprised, okay?"

The audience simply replied to that question silently until Ophis uttered a word.

Ophis: "I hope... they aren't mean... people..."

This made Megumi chuckle and pat her Dragon God wife's head, who seemed happier with what she got and responded with a smile.

Megumi: "Nah. Even if I'm summon someone like that, they can't do anything here since I'm the ruler and master of this dominion. So, don't worry about it, Ophis."

Ophis: "Um. I trust... you, Megumi."

Megumi: "Good. Alright, here they come!"

As Megumi said that and snapped her fingers, a group of people suddenly fell from above, causing them to be surprised and let out some hurting yell because of how they fell, especially a certain young man with short spiky light-blonde hair and dark-gray eyes. He wears two red wrist bracers over black fingerless gloves and an open loose-collared white jacket with no shirt underneath, displaying his muscular physique. He also wears blue cargo pants tied up with a white belt. He wears white bandages on his legs and has a chain hanging from the belt loop on the right side of his pants.

"Damnit! Sun, where the hell are we?!"

"Agagagakh! Oi, oi, my legs...! Neptune, get off me!"

"Hey, where are we? Bun-bun, do you know where we are? Yatsu, Fox?"

"I... I don't know, Coco."

"Surely we are in a place that isn't familiar to us, Coco."

"That's not what she means, Fox."

"Where the hell am I?!"

While the group of people was confused as they didn't know what had happened, they suddenly heard a clap which caused them to look at the source of that hand-clapping sound. It surprised them to witness the gorgeous, voluptuous, and beautiful woman with a charming figure and looks. They were enthralled and charmed, even the girls, not only the boys.

Megumi: "Sorry for rudely 'inviting' you like this, but since you all are necessary or maybe 'important' for the future development of this place, I decided to do this quickly."

Hearing that explanation, even though it still sounds crazy, made one of them speak. It was one of the guys. He has burnt-orange hair combed backward with a slight peak at the front and indigo eyes. He wears silver-gray armor with gold trim.

His chestplate sports a bird with its wings outstretched. Underneath the armor, he wears a black shirt with red trimmings and black pants with a red sash tied around his waist. He also wears silver-gray armored under-the-knee boots that match the rest of his armor.

His name is Cardin Winchester, the leader of team CRDL of Beacon Academy; he spoke with a tone that tried to be harsh but failed because of the blush on his cheeks whenever his eyes focused on Megumi.

Cardin: "I don't know what the hell you want, but send us back to where we are!"

Megumi: "Ah. Cardin Winchester, the leader of team CRDL of Beacon Academy. And someone who constantly bullied Jaune Arc and did some bullying to Velvet Scarlatina. Right?"

That startled Cardin, sweating bullets, but then has a guilty and sad look as if he regretted what he did back then to Jaune and Velvet. Unable to reply or answer, Megumi smiled and huffed as she continued her talk.

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