Log Horizon - Part 2 (The Battle of Loka)

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The theater movie screen began to show a scene of people around a cathedral-looking building, and a yellow light suddenly shone. It then shows someone with his hand stretching out as that person was sitting on something, inspecting his hand, and then leaving the building, meeting with some of his friends.

Jaune/Shiroe: (A man died while fighting the monsters. And just like in the game, he revived at the Cathedral.)

Some people, who mostly are players or adventures, witnessing that scene of a man just get revived with a disbelieving look in their eyes. And the resurrected man himself said, "I came back to life?" and one of his friends responded with, "Seriously? But doesn't that mean..." and the revived man said again, "I'm alive again."

The Remnant audiences were shocked seeing that, especially the adults, specifically Ozpin. They couldn't believe what they saw, and even though it was something they should get used to, it still greatly impacted them, and Tohka was making an amazed expression when she saw that.

Tohka: "Waaah! Jaune, Jaune! That man is alive again! How did he do that?!"

Jaune: "I also want to know about it, Tohka. Maybe we will if we keep watching it."

Tohka: "... I see. Then, I will try my best to learn from it!"

Tohka said, puffing her chest and having a determined look, which made Jaune unconsciously pat her, causing the purple-haired girl to purr in happiness. But of course, that didn't get unnoticed by Ruby and Pyrrha, who looked at them, especially toward Tohka, with looks of jealousy.

Nora: "Whoah! So does that mean... they could be revived as much as they want, just like in the game?! That would be incredible!"

Lie: "But also concerning. After all, it's not like they were in "the game" they know. It is, most likely, a world that resembles the game. There must be some differences."

Blake: "I am afraid it will be, Lie. If there are no differences or downsides, that would be... so convenient. Or maybe something worse would happen to them."

Yang: "Like what? I doubt it will have something like that. I mean, look... everything resembles the game they once played!"

Weiss: "I think it's their psychology. Their mind and behavior because of this new discovery. They died and revived, not they died when they were killed. It's like they were...."

Ozpin: "...immortal. Those people would be considered immortal with the discovery that they could be revived even after they died."

James: "That would be horrible. No, terrible... what if some adventurers are up to no good...? They could abuse that as much as they want."

Qrow: "It will be up to the kid or those people. Maybe making some rule or law? It might be pointless and useless, but at least it can slightly reduce the possibility of abuse."

Glynda: "Unfortunately, they still haven't figured out some major or vital information that might be useful for them to use."

Winter: "Then, as Mr. Arc's counterpart said, they must gather and share information with people. Gather and share as much information they can find around them."

Meanwhile, Megumi kept patting Ophis and fed her with some popcorn as the black-haired Dragon God, a little girl and one of Megumi's wives, enjoyed all that from her. Everyone then focused again, watching the Log Horizon universe on the movie screen.

The camera then panned to showing Jaune, Akatsuki, and Naotsugu's place right now, looking at the Cathedral from afar in the top buildings with some curiosity, even though Jaune didn't explicitly show it as Jaune narrating once again while adjusting his round glasses.

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