Log Horizon - Part 3 (The Depths of Palm)

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The screen then showed a massive silhouette of a mountain filled with clouds and some flying creatures around the mountain, revealed to be the flock of wyverns as one of the wyverns let out a loud howl. The camera then panned down from afar as Jaune and his party walked through the forest and came to a certain place that could be seen.

After arriving at their current destination, Jaune, Naotsugu, and Akatsuki stopped slightly before a massive horizontal gate-like tear.

Naotsugu: "It's huge."

Jaune/Shiroe: "When Elder Tale was still a game, we came here a lot, but...."

Akatsuki: "Yes, it looks quite different in person, my lord."

Jaune/Shiroe: "This is Depths of Palm..."

He said, looking at the dungeon entrance before him while adjusting his glasses. And after Jaune said that, the scene cut to show the inside of the dungeon called Depths of Palm, which has some old-looking and ruined structures. At the same time, Jaune and Naotsugu walk with Magic Light, illuminating the area around them as Akatsuki is already ahead of them, scouting the place.

Jaune kept looking at the map he held and heard Akatsuki's voice.

Akatsuki: "Reporting... no enemies in sight."

Naotsugu: "Okay, let's go on ahead, Shiro."

Jaune/Shiroe: "Right.

Jaune nodded while still looking at the map he had and storing it in his Dazaneg's Magic Bag and continued walking inside the dungeon with his two friends. And after that, Jaune recalled what happened during the journey they started.

Jaune/Shiroe: (It's been three days since we left Akihabara to save a girl named Serara, who'd been stranded in Susukino. Griffons come with usage restrictions. You can only ride them four hours a day. Even so, we've managed to travel a distance that would take two weeks by horse.)

Nora: "Whaaat?! Four hours a day...? That kinda sucks to have a limitation!"

Ruby: "And it's been three days since then? What would happen to the poor Serara?! I know there is someone who helped her, but still...!"

Tohka: "Yeah! You should come to her faster, Jaune! Beat the bad guys!"

Lie: "It's okay. Jaune's on the way. She should be fine for the time being with that person's protection."

Yang: "Yeah, no need to worry. Jaune and his friends are going to beat those beat guys!"

Pyrrha: "It's a pity they could only use the griffons for that long."

Blake: "It's normal to have some restrictions. At least they covered the 2 weeks' worth of trip using them."

Weiss: "I just hope nothing was going worse."

Jaune: "Must you say it, Weiss...?"

The scene then shows Jaune with Akatsuki on his back and Naotsugu riding their griffons again and flying toward a mountain full of flying creatures that resemble a dragon but come from different races named wyverns flocking around the mountain.

Jaune/Shiroe: (The Tearstone Mountains...)

As they flew closer to the mountain, Akatsuki pointed in a certain direction, where the flock of flying wyverns was flying around the top of the Tearstone Mountain.

Akatsuki: "My lord, look."

Jaune/Shiroe: "Wyverns."

Naotsugu: "Just like we thought, Shiro."

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