Intermission 3 - Part 2

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Akatsuki's eyes widened, her body froze, and her face was beet red with a blush. She couldn't believe what she heard from Jaune, who asked her bashfully as the purple-haired assassin replied with stuttering.

Akatsuki: "M-M-My lord? D-D-Date?! You want to... have a d-d-date with me...?"

She said in disbelief and earned a confirmation nod from Jaune, who was also embarrassed. The atmosphere between them suddenly became quiet as both blushed before Akatsuki tried to let out a cough and cleared her throat.

Akatsuki: "U-Uhm, sure, my lord... I-I'd be happy to... be on a date... w-with you."

This made Jaune beamed and smile, which made the blush Akatsuki grow redder as she found it cute, and she mumbled. "Cute..." when seeing it.

Jaune: "R-Really? Thanks, Akatsuki! Ahem. A-Anyway, this place has a door that leads to the replica of a certain city from one of the universes I watched and... w-we can have our date there, so... let's meet up at the front of the door around... an hour later... how's that, Akatsuki?"

Akatsuki felt her heart flutter with happiness and meekly nodded while still blushing yet excited at what Jaune proposed about what they should do.

Akatsuki: "Y-Yes, my lord... I have no problem... with it."

Jaune: "R-Really?! Great! Then... um, I'll leave first..."

Akatsuki nodded as Jaune left her, who still blushed and looked at her anpan. She felt extremely happy and liked the feeling she currently felt within her heart; having a date with someone she has a crush on or maybe potentially growing into a romantic feeling that will be called 'love' is surprising for her.

And when she thought of that, Akatsuki remembered something.

Akatsuki: "I have never gone on a date... I-I need... advice..."

She whispered before finishing her anpan and went somewhere to ask for advice on dating from someone she deemed at least trustworthy. Apart from Jaune and Cardin, everyone else is a stranger to her, and she can't do anything with it. However, it's not like Akatsuki dislikes them since she doesn't know or feels awkward and nervous about making friends.


While Akatsuki and Jaune are trying to prepare for their date, Gilgamesh, Artoria, Zelretch, and Najimi are discussing something that seems quite serious, judging from how tense the atmosphere is. However, it's not like something wrong will happen as Gilgamesh starts to speak.

Gilgamesh: "It is quite surprising that you both would come here."

He said, referring to Zelretch and Najimi, which earned a nod of understanding from the two names he mentioned as the grandfather of Jaune, replies Gilgamesh's words.

Zelretch: "I understand that, Gilgamesh. However, this is such a luxury chance and hard to pass. I know we can visit another world using my Second Magic [Kaleidoscope] and one of Najimi's skills. But some differences make it hard to resist or reject it."

Artoria: "Do you mean about it being a theater that allows someone to watch multiverse and how they got the abilities of their counterparts?"

Najimi: "Correct, Ar-chan! Even though I can give anyone one of my skills, it is still amazing! Although, shounen-kun's prior abilities are only his locked Semblance, which he should never possess since he is an Earthling or born on Earth."

Zelretch: "Indeed. All of us from Arc are actually Earthling, but we decided to come to Remnant for a 'vacation' and alter our grandchildren's memories so they would think they are Remnant-born instead of Earthling. Though, in your case, both of you are reincarnated in Remnant. Right, Artoria, Gilgamesh?"

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