Code Geass - Part 2 (The White Knight Awakens)

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As Megumi said, the movie theater screen shows another episode of the universe they watched, the World Map of that universe, and the green-haired girl's voice narrating it.

???: "2010 a.t.b, August 10th. The Holy Empire of Britannia declared war on Japan."

Even though it wasn't her Britannia, Artoria still felt guilty and disgusted towards her country's counterpart and also saddened that her son's counterpart, who is a Britannian, hated the country that much, especially with the newfound power he has and how his counterpart showing that sadistic and cruel smile.

???: "Facing Britannia's newest weapon, the Knightmare Frame, Japan was defeated within a month and had her freedom and tradition, her rights and pride, and even her name, taken away. Eleven. That number became the new name for the Japanese people."

The Japanese who heard that showed a grimace on their faces. And even though Jaune, Cardin, and Sun weren't Japanese, they couldn't help but feel sympathetic towards them because of their Japanese counterparts.

Cardin: "Shit. They looked like Atlas the more I saw and heard it."

The burnt-orange-haired boy said with disgust and clicked his tongue when he said that, causing the heiress of SDC to interject and complain about that claim Cardin made.

Weiss: "They don't! Atlas and that Britannia is different!"

Cardin: "Really? I don't think I see any differences. Has there anyone who thought the same?"

He looked around, and no one seemed against it, even James and Winter, which made Weiss shocked and pale seeing that. She also saw her team and sister wearing sorrowful expressions, making her sad. She couldn't believe it and tried to call Winter while shaking worriedly.

Weiss: "W-Winter...? He... he lying about it, right? Atlas and Britannia... is different... right?"

Closing her eyes, Winter then opened them with a heavy heart and replied to Weiss.

Winter: "...sorry, Weiss. However... at this point, I think... there were no differences between Atlas and Britannia except for the technology."

She looked to the side, making Weiss fall into depression as she looked down, causing her friends—especially Ruby—to catch her and try to help by comforting her as Ruby said, "W-Weiss!".

The screen changed to show the several corpses of Japanese civilians who had been shot and murdered by the same soldiers trying to kill Jaune.

The student kneels beside the green-haired girl, paying his respects to her dead body.

Jaune: "Hey, you. What did you want to do with this strange power you gave me?"

He contemplates the question, knowing she won't respond. Suddenly, an explosion rocks the building as a Sutherland Knightmare slowly rolls in. The pilot is the woman who intercepts Nagata earlier, and her name is Villeta Nu.

The KMF's head opens up like a butterfly and scans the area with its camera, and her HUD zooms in to survey her surroundings, only to find a squad of dead Britannian troops and a suspicious lone survivor.

Villeta: "Why? His Highness's personal unit was..."

She presses a button to activate her KMF's microphone to talk to Jaune.

Villeta: "What happened here? What is a Britannian student doing in a place like this? Answer me. Otherwise..."

As the woman is impatient and Jaune clicks his tongue, seeing her, she fires her machine gun at the wall behind Jaune several times, causing his hair to whoosh from the wind caused by the bullets. However, he doesn't even flinch.

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