Persona 4 - Part 2 (The Contractor's Key)

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The screen began with showing Igor and Margaret in the Velvet Room as the same music could be heard whenever someone in that bar-like limousine, the older man with a long nose, began to greet his guest as usual.

Igor: "Welcome to the Velvet Room."

While Igor was always greeting his guest, Margaret spoke in turn.

Margaret: "Only those who have formed a "contract" of sorts can visit this room. You have done a glorious job awakening your powers."

She finished her potion as Igor slightly opened his eyes and said something to his guest, Narukami Jaune, the guest of the Velvet Room they have right now.

Igor: "Take this with you."

When he said that, an ultramarine-colored key appeared and slowly fell to the table, and Margaret explained the key to their dearest and important guest.

Margaret: "It is the Contractor's Key. From this night on, you are our welcome guest in the Velvet Room. Your Persona is a Wild Card. It is unique unto itself."

Ozpin: "Hm... a Wild Card, so Mr. Narukami's power vastly differs from others? If that is so, then that would be intriguing to see and wait."

Glynda: "We don't know the full extent of this Persona ability, so we can't be sure yet about the differences between Mr. Narukami and others."

Qrow: "Yeah, but Izanagi is cool and badass, if I must say. It looks like has a big difference between Persona and Schnee Semblance."

Winter: "I can't help but have to agree with you. It looks like the superior version of my family heredity Semblance."

James: "It's a shame that we don't know the correct method to awaken it in ours if we happen to have the potential to awaken it."

Margaret: "Just like the number zero, it holds an infinite number of possibilities."

Igor: "I wonder where your newly awoken powers with the Wild Card will take you. I believe I shall accompany you on this journey..."

After saying that, the screen went black and showed what Jaune and his friends did the previous day after Jaune awakened his power and slew those monsters. After finishing everything and seeming safer, Yosuke approached the unconscious Chie and called her to wake her up.

Yosuke: "Satonaka! Satonaka! Hey, Satonaka! Hang in there!"

As if she could hear Yosuke's voice calling her, Chie slowly regained consciousness and woke up to see her two friends have concerning faces, especially Yosuke, that could be seen so obviously, unlike Jaune.

Yosuke: "Satonaka..."

Jaune: "Are you okay?"

Slowly slightly stood and fully woke up after seeing her friends; Chie then asked them something.

Chie: "Where's the monsters?"

Yosuke: "Long gone."

Chie: "They are?"

Yosuke: "He slaughtered them."

He said, pointing his thumb at Jaune, which caused Chie to be in shock when she heard something unbelievable feat like that.

Chie: "For real?!"

Yang: "For real. Jaune got it good on defeating all of them with his newfound power."

Ruby: "It's also cool power to have!"

Blake: "I do not disagree with that since it felt like that."

Weiss: "Um, girls... you know my family has a similar power like that as our Semblance, right?"

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