Code Geass - Part 1 (The Day a New Demon was Born)

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After saying that, the theater lights went off, and the entire room got dark; some of the audience became excited and curious about what kind of universe they would watch this time, even though they knew most of the universes shown to them by Megumi were always action-involved. However, they didn't mind it since they will have a break to let the steam off their minds after watching some intense universes.

The movie screen slowly shows the new universe, or more like someone's eyes opening to the bright blue sky and the sound of a cicada's cry before the camera shifts to a girl with golden eyes and light green hair, who is watching a pair of boys rock-climb a hill. The one at the top is a black-haired boy with magenta eyes, who reaches the top before helping the other one up, a boy with blonde hair and blue eyes.

Nora: "Lie! Lie! That is you!"

Pyrrha: "He is with Jaune. Since they seem young, does that mean they're somehow a childhood friend?"

Lie: "It seems so, and does this mean those counterparts are also reincarnated?"

Jaune: "I think it is, Lie. All the counterparts we have seen maybe reincarnated. All of them. The question is... whether all of them still carry their past life's memories. Maybe from the very start, they are reborn, they already remember it or... maybe something like delayed memories."

Lie: "Delayed memories... now that might be a possibility. But we don't know how to identify that. That is maybe the biggest problem we have facing right now."

Jaune: "As sad it is, yes. We even didn't conduct any research or experiment on that matter. Maybe Dr. Polendina, General Ironwood, Professor Port, Doctor Oobleck, and Headmaster Ozpin could have the answers or some hints?"

The blonde young man said, gesturing his hand to the mentioned people, who blinked and exchanged stares before Pietro spoke in response against that.

Pietro: "Unfortunately, Mr. Arc—the topic of reincarnation is still unknown even to us. We might be able to decipher or understand how the Aura and Semblance work, which is related to our soul. However, it's only as far as that. We couldn't make any breakthroughs or go deeper since there is not much data related to the topic. Not to mention, it will require enormous money and time."

James: "It might even cost us a lifetime to understand reincarnation or even just a small amount. Even Ozpin here couldn't understand how it works scientifically. Isn't that right, Ozpin?"

In response to that, Ozpin sighed and nodded in agreement.

Ozpin: "That is definitely correct, James. I may already be reincarnated multiple times. However, if I had to explain it scientifically instead of magically, then that would be something I couldn't even understand."

Qrow: "Yeah, if it's in a magic way, you can just say "magic bullshit" or something."

Ozpin: "That's right, such an excuse would make it easier for people to accept since magic itself is still filled with mysteries, and you could say it's the mystery itself."

Pietro: "Such a convenient answer, I believe."

Peter: "It is really a simple, short, and undeniable fact. People had no choice but to accept it. They won't be able to answer since the one answering also didn't know it well."

Bartholomew: "And that's why science exists! A way to understand how everything works. Maybe we also could figure out how magic works. Or maybe seeing a world where magic is a byproduct of science! That would be wonderful!"

Penny: "A world where magic is created from science? It will be Sensational! But would that still could be called magic?"

Pietro: "I think it still, Penny."

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